Virginia G. Bonker

Virginia G. Bonker

Geen lopende functies

Vermogen: 2 M $ op 30-04-2024

Technology Services


Ms. Bonker co-founded Blue Rock in 1995.
She currently serves on the Boards of Blue Rock portfolio companies including: Integrated Chipware, Ranch Networks, and previously, Edison Schools (Nasdaq: EDSN).
Ms. Bonker also recently joined the Board of a publicly-traded Internet holding company, CMGI, Inc. Ms. Bonker worked with the Sprout Group from 1988 to 1995 and rose to the position of Vice President.
With assets under management exceeding $3 billion, the Sprout Group, the venture affiliate of Credit Suisse First Boston, is one of the largest venture firms in the world.
Ms. Bonker was an Investment Analyst with DLJ’s Investment Banking Group and, prior to that, worked as a Systems Analyst and Product Marketing Engineer at Hewlett-Packard.
Ms. Bonker received an MBA with Highest Honors from Columbia University and an undergraduate degree in Computer Science with Electrical Engineering from Harvard College.
She was also an International Rotary Scholar, studying philosophy in Southeast Asia.

Bekende belangen in openbare bedrijven

OndernemingDatumAantal aandelenTotale waardeWaarderingsdatum
15-08-2023 7 695 ( 0.01% ) 1 M $ 30-04-2024
JLL Income Property Trust Inc
23-09-2022 25 817 ( 0.03% ) 308 771 $ 30-04-2024

Eerdere bekende functies van Virginia G. Bonker

President 14-10-2005
Directeur/Bestuurslid -
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Technology Services

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  3. Virginia G. Bonker
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