Satoshi Watanabe
Hoofd Techniek/Wetenschap/O&O bij IWATANI CORPORATION
Satoshi Watanabe currently works at Iwatani Corp., as Director, General Manager-Technology & Engineering from 2019 and A-Tec Co., Ltd., as Director.
Actieve functies van Satoshi Watanabe
Bedrijven | Functie | Begin |
IWATANI CORPORATION | Hoofd Techniek/Wetenschap/O&O | 01-04-2015 |
A-Tec Co., Ltd.
A-Tec Co., Ltd. Engineering & ConstructionIndustrial Services Part of Iwatani Corp., A-Tec Co., Ltd. is an ultra-low-temperature equipment manufacturer that contributes to the development of the industry. The company is based in Akashi, Japan. The Japanese company handle various equipment such as vacuum insulation pipes, ultra-low-temperature liquefied gas storage tanks, tank trolls, and other equipment for storing gases like oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. The company also provides devices related to rocket fields and hydrogen stations. A-Tec Co. was acquired by Iwatani Corp. from Air Liquide SA on July 14, 2011. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | - |
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Beursgenoteerde bedrijven | 1 |
IWATANI CORPORATION | Distribution Services |
Bedrijven in privébezit | 1 |
A-Tec Co., Ltd.
A-Tec Co., Ltd. Engineering & ConstructionIndustrial Services Part of Iwatani Corp., A-Tec Co., Ltd. is an ultra-low-temperature equipment manufacturer that contributes to the development of the industry. The company is based in Akashi, Japan. The Japanese company handle various equipment such as vacuum insulation pipes, ultra-low-temperature liquefied gas storage tanks, tank trolls, and other equipment for storing gases like oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. The company also provides devices related to rocket fields and hydrogen stations. A-Tec Co. was acquired by Iwatani Corp. from Air Liquide SA on July 14, 2011. | Industrial Services |