Larry Zimpleman
Directeur/Bestuurslid bij SWISS RE LTD
Vermogen: 1 M $ op 31-01-2025
Larry Donald Zimpleman is een zakenman die aan het hoofd heeft gestaan van 7 verschillende bedrijven. Momenteel is Mr. Zimpleman voorzitter van de Iowa Business Council en voorzitter van Principal Mutual Fund. Hij is tevens lid van de raad van bestuur van Schweizerische Rckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG, American Council of Life Insurers, Swiss Re AG en Iowa Partnership For Economic Progress en voorzitter van Drake University, lid van The Business Roundtable, lid van Business-Higher Education Forum, lid van Iowa Actuaries Club en lid van The American Academy of Actuaries. Daarvoor was hij voorzitter van Greater Des Moines Partnership en niet-uitvoerend voorzitter bij Principal Financial Group, Inc. Voorzitter van Principal Financial Services, Inc. en Chairman & Chief Executive Officer van Princor Financial Services Corp. (beide zijn dochterondernemingen van Principal Financial Group, Inc.). Larry Donald Zimpleman behaalde een bachelor-graad en een MBA aan de Drake University.
Bekende belangen in openbare bedrijven
Onderneming | Datum | Aantal aandelen | Totale waarde | Waarderingsdatum |
0% | 31-12-2023 | 8 889 ( 0% ) | 1 M $ | 31-01-2025 |
Laatste nieuws over Larry Zimpleman
Actieve functies van Larry Zimpleman
Bedrijven | Functie | Begin |
SWISS RE LTD | Directeur/Bestuurslid | 20-04-2018 |
The American Academy of Actuaries
![]() The American Academy of Actuaries Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The American Academy of Actuaries assists public policymakers by providing leadership, objective expertise, and actuarial advice on risk and financial security issues. The private company is based in Washington, DC and has subsidiaries in the United States. It sets qualification, practice, and professionalism standards for actuaries credentialed by actuarial organizations. | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
The Society of Actuaries
![]() The Society of Actuaries Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The Society of Actuaries is an organization that provides research and industry news on various topics such as health care, predictive analytics, climate change, risk management, life insurance, modeling, pension and retirement, public policy, law and regulation. The private company is based in Schaumburg, IL. The company aims to help individuals advance their careers. | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
Swiss Re America Holding Corp.
![]() Swiss Re America Holding Corp. Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Swiss Re America Holding Corp. provides reinsurance services. It offers life, health, property, motor, and marine reinsurance services. The company is headquartered in Armonk, NY. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | - |
The Iowa Clinic PC
![]() The Iowa Clinic PC Medical/Nursing ServicesHealth Services The Iowa Clinic PC provides medical services to patients in Iowa. The private company is based in West Des Moines, IA. The company offers virtual appointments with their providers from 7am to 7pm, seven days a week, making it safe, easy, and efficient for patients to receive medical care without leaving their homes. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | - |
Iowa Partnership For Economic Progress | Directeur/Bestuurslid | - |
Business-Higher Education Forum
![]() Business-Higher Education Forum Internet Software/ServicesTechnology Services The Business-Higher Education Forum is a nonprofit membership organization that connects higher education institutions to business talent demand. The non-profit company is based in Washington, DC. Corporate CEOs and university presidents join BHEF to anticipate skills needs and improve pathways between higher education and the workforce. BHEF identifies high-value emerging skills through research, enabling members to build new credentials that align with business hiring needs. The organization accelerates pathway development between business and higher education, resulting in over 100 credentials and facilitating over 50 collaborations for talent solutions. | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
The Business Roundtable
![]() The Business Roundtable Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The Business Roundtable advocates public policies that ensure economic growth. It considers public policy issues which contains groups like the construction users anti-inflation roundtable, a group devoted to containing construction costs; and the labor law study committee, made up of labor relations executives of major companies. The Business Roundtable was founded in 1972 and is headquartered in Washington, DC. | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
Iowa Actuaries Club | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
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Eerdere bekende functies van Larry Zimpleman
Bedrijven | Functie | Einde |
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Opleiding van Larry Zimpleman
Drake University | Masters Business Admin |
Beklede functies
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven
Bedrijven in privébezit
Eerstegraads connecties
Bedrijven verbonden in de eerste graad
Verwante bedrijven
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven | 2 |
SWISS RE LTD | Finance |
Bedrijven in privébezit | 18 |
Princor Financial Services Corp.
![]() Princor Financial Services Corp. Investment ManagersFinance Princor Financial Services Corp. provides financial products and services. The firm offers resources in a variety of areas including retirement plans, portfolio management services, and fee-based financial planning. The company was founded in 1968 and is headquartered in Des Moines, IA. | Finance |
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
![]() Northwestern Memorial Hospital Hospital/Nursing ManagementHealth Services Northwestern Memorial Hospital provides healthcare services. The firm offers acute and tertiary inpatient care, ambulatory care, wellness and prevention programs. The company was founded in 1972 and is headquartered in Chicago, IL. | Health Services |
Principal Mutual Fund
![]() Principal Mutual Fund Investment ManagersFinance Part of Principal Financial Group, Inc., Principal Mutual Fund is an Indian company that manages mutual funds. The company is based in Mumbai, India and was founded in 2000. | Finance |
American Council of Life Insurers
![]() American Council of Life Insurers Life/Health InsuranceFinance The private company provides life insurance services. The company is based in Washington, DC. David Chavern has been the CEO of the company since 2024. | Finance |
The Financial Services Roundtable
![]() The Financial Services Roundtable Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The Financial Services Roundtable provides advisory services to financial service industry. Its members include the leading banking, insurance, asset management, finance and credit card companies in America. The company is headquartered in Washington, DC. | Commercial Services |
Principal Financial Services, Inc.
![]() Principal Financial Services, Inc. Financial ConglomeratesFinance Principal Financial Services, Inc. provides brokerage, insurance and mortgage services. It offers retirement, group insurance benefits, business planning and protection solutions, and employees benefits, estate planning and personal trusts, life insurance and income protection. The company is headquartered in Des Moines, IA. | Finance |
Greater Des Moines Partnership
![]() Greater Des Moines Partnership Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Greater Des Moines Partnership operates as the economic and community development organization serving Greater Des Moines (DSM), united to drive economic growth with one voice, one mission and as one region. The company is headquartered in Des Moines, IA. | Commercial Services |
Iowa Business Council
![]() Iowa Business Council Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The Iowa Business Council (IBC) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization consisting of 22 members who are the chief decision makers of major employers. These member companies have made significant investments in the state's commercial infrastructure and are leaders in technology innovation, research and development, and grant procurement. The company also play a crucial role in philanthropic efforts throughout Iowa. The IBC member companies include Alliant Energy, Casey's General Stores, Inc., Collins Aerospace, Corteva Agriscience, Deere & Company, Fareway, HNI Corporation, Hy-Vee, Inc., Bankers Association, Kent Corporation, MercyOne, Meredith Corporation, MidAmerican Energy Company, Pella Corporation, Principal, Ruan Transportation Management Systems, The Weitz Company, The University of Health Care, UnityPoint Health, Vermeer Corporation, Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa, and Wells Enterprises, Inc. The company is based in Des Moines, IA. | Commercial Services |
The American Academy of Actuaries
![]() The American Academy of Actuaries Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The American Academy of Actuaries assists public policymakers by providing leadership, objective expertise, and actuarial advice on risk and financial security issues. The private company is based in Washington, DC and has subsidiaries in the United States. It sets qualification, practice, and professionalism standards for actuaries credentialed by actuarial organizations. | Commercial Services |
Iowa Actuaries Club | |
The Business Roundtable
![]() The Business Roundtable Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The Business Roundtable advocates public policies that ensure economic growth. It considers public policy issues which contains groups like the construction users anti-inflation roundtable, a group devoted to containing construction costs; and the labor law study committee, made up of labor relations executives of major companies. The Business Roundtable was founded in 1972 and is headquartered in Washington, DC. | Commercial Services |
Business-Higher Education Forum
![]() Business-Higher Education Forum Internet Software/ServicesTechnology Services The Business-Higher Education Forum is a nonprofit membership organization that connects higher education institutions to business talent demand. The non-profit company is based in Washington, DC. Corporate CEOs and university presidents join BHEF to anticipate skills needs and improve pathways between higher education and the workforce. BHEF identifies high-value emerging skills through research, enabling members to build new credentials that align with business hiring needs. The organization accelerates pathway development between business and higher education, resulting in over 100 credentials and facilitating over 50 collaborations for talent solutions. | Technology Services |
Iowa Partnership For Economic Progress | |
Schweizerische Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG
![]() Schweizerische Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG Insurance Brokers/ServicesFinance Schweizerische Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG provides reinsurance, insurance, and risk management solutions. The firm focuses on the property and casualty, life and health, and asset management sectors. The company was founded on May 1, 1883 and is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. | Finance |
The Iowa Clinic PC
![]() The Iowa Clinic PC Medical/Nursing ServicesHealth Services The Iowa Clinic PC provides medical services to patients in Iowa. The private company is based in West Des Moines, IA. The company offers virtual appointments with their providers from 7am to 7pm, seven days a week, making it safe, easy, and efficient for patients to receive medical care without leaving their homes. | Health Services |
Swiss Re America Holding Corp.
![]() Swiss Re America Holding Corp. Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Swiss Re America Holding Corp. provides reinsurance services. It offers life, health, property, motor, and marine reinsurance services. The company is headquartered in Armonk, NY. | Finance |
The Society of Actuaries
![]() The Society of Actuaries Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The Society of Actuaries is an organization that provides research and industry news on various topics such as health care, predictive analytics, climate change, risk management, life insurance, modeling, pension and retirement, public policy, law and regulation. The private company is based in Schaumburg, IL. The company aims to help individuals advance their careers. | Commercial Services |
Lkz, LLC
![]() Lkz, LLC Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services 'Lkz, LLC is based in Cumming. The company has executed over $3.5 billion worth of real estate transactions and primarily focus on major metropolitan markets. The company also has a vertically-integrated property management firm called LKZ Management LLC. | Commercial Services |