Bedrijven (1)

Logo Snowline Gold Corp.

Snowline Gold Corp. is een in Canada gevestigd goudexploratiebedrijf. Het bedrijf beheert een portefeuille van acht projecten die ongeveer 333.000 hectare (ha) beslaan. Het bedrijf houdt zich bezig met de exploratie van zijn vlaggenschipproject dat bestaa ...


Foto Cynthia Trochu
Cynthia Trochu

Mevrouw Cynthia H. Trochu is secretaris, Chief Compliance Officer & SVP-Legal bij Texas Instruments Incorporated. Zij is lid van de Raad van Bestuur van de Texas Instruments Foundation. Mevrouw Trochu was ook lid van de raad van bestuur van Manchester College en The University of Texas at Dallas. Zij behaalde haar doctoraal aan Manchester College en haar doctoraal aan SMU Dedman School of Law.

Foto Benjamin Trochu
Benjamin Trochu

Benjamin Trochu was associated with Verizon Upstart Tech Ltd.
where he held the title of Managing Partner from 2016 to 2018.
He is the founder of Verizon Upstart Tech Ltd.
which was founded in 2016.

Foto Cynthia Amsterdam
Cynthia Amsterdam

Cynthia Amsterdam has been a Partner of Heenan Blaikie LLP since 2000.
She is a Member of the Advocates' Society American Association for Justice, the American Bar Association, the Canadian Bar Association, the Ontario Bar Association, The Law Society of Upper Canada and the Toronto Lawyers Association.
Ms. Amsterdam is Commodore at the Island Yacht Club, a Member of the Board of Directors of the Starlight Children's Foundation of Canada and has served on the executive of Toronto Hadassah-WIZO for ten years.
Prior to joining Heenan Blaikie, she worked for Genest Murray and Amsterdam & Peroff.
Ms. Amsterdam received an LLB from York University in 1982.

Foto Cynthia E. Gómez
Cynthia E. Gómez

Cynthia E.
Gomez is Manager of Public Relations and Strategic Services for Castells & Asociados Advertising.
She held various accounts positions at Bell Atlantic, Verizon, Carl's Jr. and the California Department of Health Services.
Ms. Gomez received a degree in Marketing from California State University-Bakersfield.

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