Virgil Gongu

Virgil Gongu

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Energy Minerals
Consumer Services


Mr. Virgil Gongu is the Rompetrol Group’s General Purchasing & Administration Manager in charge with building up the administration and purchasing activities for the entire Group.
Mr. Gongu is a Romanian citizen and graduated from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies in 1997 with a major in Marketing.
He has extensive experience in administration, having worked for Lafarge - Romcim as General Administration Manager and Reynolds Manufacturing Romania as Procurement Coordinator.
Virgil Gongu has spent a significant amount of time monitoring and solving administrative issues and providing consultance for reduction of administrative costs.
Before joining Rompetrol, Mr. Gongu also supervised the administration and office affairs of R.J.
Reynolds Tobacco Romania S.R.L.
as Office Administration Coordinator and handled building administration matters - especially staff supervision and security system supervision and periodic assessment - with the same.
Within Rompetrol, Mr. Gongu works to develop and enhance efficiency of the company’s procurement strategy and ensures the day-to-day logistics of company in-house operations.
Virgil Gongu is fluent in English and French.

Eerdere bekende functies van Virgil Gongu

Hoofd Administratief Officier -
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Opleiding van Virgil Gongu

Politehnica University of Bucharest Undergraduate Degree

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