Tammira Yvonne Philippe

Tammira Yvonne Philippe

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Consumer Services


Ms. Tammira Y.
Philippe, CFA MBA, is a President & Chief Executive Officer at Bridgeway Capital Management LLC.
She began her career at Bridgeway in May 2005.
She is a member of the firm’s Board of Directors and Portfolio Review and Risk Committee.
As President, her responsibilities include development and execution of the firm’s strategy, oversight of all operations, and contributing to the marketing and client service efforts.
Prior to becoming President, she led strategy and operations projects at Bridgeway from 2005 to 2010 and was head of Client Service and Marketing from 2010 to 2016.
Ms. Philippe experience prior to Bridgeway includes strategy consulting with McKinsey & Company and business development and marketing for a global satellite communications start-up.
She is passionate about promoting education and social justice and volunteers with organizations focused on those missions.
She previously served as a board member for the Education Foundation of Harris County, and as a member of the Advisory Board of the Terry Foundation, a scholarship provider that supported her education.
She earned an M.B.A.
from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.S.
in Computer Science from Texas A&M University.

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Algemeen Directeur 01-02-2023
Ervaring van Tammira Yvonne Philippe in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Tammira Yvonne Philippe

Texas A&M University Undergraduate Degree
Stanford Graduate School of Business Masters Business Admin

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