Bedrijven (2)

Logo Baud (Maison Antoine)

Maison Antoine Baud is gespecialiseerd in het bezit en het beheer van activabeheer op het gebied van bedrijfsvastgoed (kantoren, magazijnen en bedrijfsruimtes). Het vastgoed van het concern bevindt zich voornamelijk in de regio Auvergne. ...

Logo Mediawan

Mediawan SA is een in Frankrijk gevestigd onafhankelijk audiovisueel contentbedrijf dat actief is op het gebied van traditionele en digitale mediacontent en entertainment. Het bedrijf is actief in vier subsectoren: productie van drama en documentaire, exp ...


Foto Antoine Gosset-Grainville
Antoine Gosset-Grainville

Antoine Gosset-Grainville is a founding partner at BDGS Associés, a firm founded in 2013.
He is currently the Chairman at AXA SA and a Director at FNAC SA. In the past, he held positions such as Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Caisse des Dépôts & Consignations, Vice Chairman at Fnac Darty SA, Director at Dexia Holding SA and CNP Assurances SA, and Independent Director at Schneider Electric SE.
He has also served as a Director at La Poste SA, Compagnie des Alpes SA, Bpifrance SA, Icade SA, Fonds Stratégique d'Investissement Fund, Transdev Group SA, AXA Assurances Vie Mutuelle, and AXA Assurances IARD Mutuelle.
Additionally, he was the Deputy Secretary General-Economic & Finance at the European Union and a Partner at Gide Loyrette Nouel.
He has also held the position of Vice President at Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Région Paris.
Mr. Gosset-Grainville has a graduate degree from Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and undergraduate degrees from Sciences Po and Ecole Nationale d'Administration.

Foto Antoine Lissowski
Antoine Lissowski

Antoine Lissowski is een zakenman die aan het roer heeft gestaan van 14 verschillende bedrijven. Momenteel is hij voorzitter van Arial CNP Assurances en financieel directeur van CDC IXIS Financial Guaranty North America, Inc. Hij is tevens lid van de raad van bestuur van Caixa Seguros Holding SA en Chief Executive Officer van CNP Assurances SA. In zijn vorige carrière was dhr. Lissowski Bestuurder bij CNP Technologies De LInformation, Voorzitter bij Montparvie V SAS, Voorzitter van 83 Avenue Bosquet SA, Voorzitter bij Lyfe SAS, Voorzitter bij Assurbail Patrimoine, Voorzitter & Chief Executive Officer van CNP Invalidite Accident Maladie SA, Voorzitter bij MFPrvoyance SA, Voorzitter bij CNP Caution SA, Voorzitter van de Compagnie Immobilire de Construction et de Gestion SASU, Voorzitter van Montparvie IV, Voorzitter van de Société Forestire de la Caisse des Dpts, Gedelegeerd Bestuurder van de Caisse Autonome de Refinancement, Manager van de SCI de la CNP, Hoofd-Business Development & Lid van de Caisse des Dpts & Consignations en Manager van CNP Immobilier. De heer Lissowski behaalde een bachelordiploma aan de Ecole Nationale d'Administration en een bachelordiploma aan Sciences Po.

Foto Antoine Shagoury
Antoine Shagoury

Mr. Antoine S.
Shagoury is a Chief Information Officer at World Quantum Growth Acquisition Corp., a Venture Partner at Ridge-Lane LP, a Chairman at Millennium IT Software Pvt Ltd., a Chairman at Millennium Information Technologies Ltd.
and a Chief Technology Officer at Kyndryl Holdings, Inc. Mr. Shagoury was previously employed as a Global Chief Information Officer & Executive VP by State Street Corp., a Non-Executive Director by Advanced Cyber Security Center, a Non-Executive Director by National Stock Exchange, Inc., a Group Chief Operating & Information Officer by London Stock Exchange Group plc, a Chief Information Officer & Executive VP by American Stock Exchange LLC, a Non-Executive Director by Securities Industry Automation Corp., a Chief Technology Officer by Instinet Corp., a Chief Information Officer by American Stock Exchange Clearing Corp., an Executive Director by Exactpro Systems Ltd., an Executive Director by FTSE International Ltd., an Executive Director by Gatelab Srl, an Executive Director by globeSettle SA, an Executive Director by LCH.Clearnet LLC, an Executive Director by Russell Investments Ltd., and an Executive Director by Turquoise Trading Ltd.
He also served on the board at Cloud Technology Partners, Inc. and Euronext Growth Milan.
He received his undergraduate degree from Rochester Institute of Technology.

Antoine Arnault
Antoine Arnault

Mr. Antoine Arnault is a Vice Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Christian Dior SE, a Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at LV Group SA, a Managing Director at Berluti LLC, a Managing Director at Marbeuf Capital SC and a Partner at Eniotna LLP.
He is on the Board of Directors at Christian Dior SE, LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, Association du Musee Louis Vuitton, Berluti (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Berluti Hong Kong Co., Ltd., Comite Colbert, Fendi Adele SARL, Good Planet, Innova E2 and Manifattura Berluti Srl.
Mr. Arnault was previously employed as a Chairman by Loro Piana SpA, an Independent Member-Supervisory Board by Lagardère SA, a Chairman-Executive Board & Chief Executive Officer by Berluti SA, a Chairman by Aa Conseil SAS, a Member-Executive Board by Agache SCA, a Chairman by Fg SAS, a Member-Supervisory Board by Is Spot Runner, Inc., a Member-Supervisory Board by Les Echos SAS, a Communications Director by Louis Vuitton SA, and a Chairman by Société Nouvelle de Chemiserie Arnys SA. He also served on the board at Berluti Orient FZ LLC, Fendi Srl, Madrigall SA and Spot Runner, Inc. He received his undergraduate degree from HEC Montréal and an MBA from INSEAD.

Foto Antoine Maillet-Mezeray
Antoine Maillet-Mezeray

De heer Antoine Maillet-Mezeray is Chief Financial Officer bij Jumia Technologies AG. De heer Maillet-Mezeray was voorheen werkzaam als Auditor bij Mazars SA. Hij behaalde zijn diploma aan de NEOMA Business School.

Antoine Bernheim
Antoine Bernheim

Antoine Bernheim formerly worked at Société Française Générale Immobilière SA, as Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director from 2011 to 2012, LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, as Independent Vice Chairman from 1988 to 2012, Assicurazioni Generali SpA, as Chairman, Alleanza Assicurazioni SpA, as Vice Chairman & Director, Financière Jean Goujon SAS, as Vice Chairman-Supervisory Board from 2010 to 2012, Bolloré SE, as Independent Vice Chairman from 2010 to 2011, LVMH Fashion Group Support SAS, as Vice Chairman from 2010 to 2012, Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, as Vice Chairman-Supervisory Board, Alleanza Toro SpA, as Vice Chairman from 2011 to 2012, LVMH Finance, as Vice Chairman from 2010 to 2012, Eurazeo SA, as Director-Supervisory Board in 2010, Havas SA, as Director from 2009 to 2012, Ciments Français SAS, as Independent Director from 2010 to 2012, EuropaCorp SA, as Director from 2010 to 2012, Generali Holding Vienna AG, as Director-Supervisory Board from 2010 to 2011, Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA, as Director from 1988 to 2010, Generali Deutschland AG, as Director from 2010 to 2011, Participatie Maatschappij Graafschap Holland NV, as Director, Christian Dior SE, as Independent Director from 2010 to 2012, Generali España Holding de Entidades de Seguros SA, as Director, Générali France SA, as Director, Christian Dior Couture SA, as Director, Compagnie Monégasque de Banque, as Director, Banca della Svizzera Italiana AG, as Director, Banco Santander SA, as Non-Executive Director from 1999 to 2011, LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, Inc., as Director, BSI SA (Private Banking), as Director, Société Civile Haussmann Percier, as Manager, Le Monde SA, as Member-Supervisory Board, and Société Éditrice du Monde SA, as Member-Supervisory Board.

Foto Antoine Burel
Antoine Burel

Antoine Burel is een zakenman die aan het roer heeft gestaan van 22 verschillende ondernemingen en momenteel de functie bekleedt van voorzitter van Legrand Saudi Arabia LLC, voorzitter van de raad van toezicht van Legrand Polska Factory Service Sp zoo, Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Head-Operations van Legrand SA, voorzitter van de raad van toezicht van Legrand Polska Sp zoo en Chief Executive Officer & Director van Legrand France SA (beide zijn dochterondernemingen van Legrand SA) en Chief Financial Officer van Legrand Normandie SA. Antoine Burel is tevens lid van de raad van bestuur van 6 andere ondernemingen. In zijn vorige loopbaan was dhr. Burel voorzitter geweest bij Legrand Integrated Solutions NV, voorzitter bij Bticino de Mexico SA de CV en voorzitter van Bticino Corporativo SA de CV (een dochteronderneming van Bticino de Mexico SA de CV), voorzitter bij Legrand Schweiz AG, president-commissaris voor PT Trias Indra Saputra, voorzitter van Ticino De Venezuela Ca, Voorzitter Bt Industrial, SA de CV, Voorzitter Bt Manufactura SA de CV, Voorzitter Bticino Operacional SA de CV, Voorzitter Van Geel Sverige AB, Voorzitter Emb Electrical Industries SAE, Chief Executive Officer PB Finelectric BV, Chief Executive Officer & Director Tcl Communication Hk Ltd., Algemeen Directeur van Legrand Mediterranee, Bestuurder van Bticino Guatemala SA, Voorzitter van de Raad van Toezicht van Kontaktor OAO, Voorzitter van Anam Legrand Co, Ltd., Voorzitter van Legrand Elctrica SA, Voorzitter van Simapel en Voorzitter van Legrand Skandinaviska AB. Hij heeft een bachelorgraad behaald aan de NEOMA Business School.

Antoine Frérot
Antoine Frérot

Antoine Frrot is een Frans zakenman die aan het roer heeft gestaan van 15 verschillende bedrijven en is voorzitter & Chief Executive Officer van Veolia Environnement SA en voorzitter & Chief Executive Officer van Veolia India Pvt Ltd., Chief Executive Officer van het Institut Veolia Environnement en manager van Veolia Eau - Compagnie Gnrale des Eaux SCA (allemaal dochterondernemingen van Veolia Environnement SA) en voorzitter & Chief Executive Officer van Veolia ES Singapore Pte Ltd. Dr. Frrot is tevens voorzitter van de Fondation d'Entreprise Veolia Environnement en lid van de raad van bestuur van 7 andere ondernemingen. In het verleden was hij voorzitter van Veolia Water AMI SA, Chief Executive Officer-CGEA Transport bij Vivendi SE, voorzitter van Veolia Water SASU, voorzitter van de raad van toezicht van EOLFI SAS, voorzitter van Campus Veolia Environnement, voorzitter van Veolia Propret SAS, voorzitter van VE France Rgions, voorzitter & Chief Executive Officer van Veolia UK Ltd., voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van Veolia UK Ltd., voorzitter van de raad van commissarissen van Veolia Environnement, Chief Executive Officer voor Connex Group, Chief Executive Officer bij Transdev North America, Inc., Head-Financial Transactions bij Crdit National SA en Project Manager bij Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses. Hij behaalde een doctoraat aan de Ecole Polytechnique en een doctoraat aan de Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses.

Foto Antoine Levavasseur
Antoine Levavasseur

Antoine Levavasseur is Senior Vice President bij Iliad en Deputy Chief Executive Officer bij Free Mobile SAS. Hij behaalde zijn doctoraal aan de Ecole Franaise d'Electronique et d'Informatique.

Foto Antoine Vanlaeys
Antoine Vanlaeys

De heer Antoine Vanlaeys is Chief Operating Officer bij L'Oral SA.

Foto Antoine Larenaudie
Antoine Larenaudie

Antoine Larenaudie is currently a Director at Total Gas & Power Ltd., TotalEnergies Capital International SA, Total Finance Corporate Services Ltd., and President & Treasurer at TotalEnergies Capital Canada Ltd.
Previously, he worked as a Director at SunPower Corp.
from 2017 to 2020.
He also held positions as CFO-Gas, Renewables & Power Division and Group Treasurer at TotalEnergies SE.
Mr. Larenaudie completed his undergraduate degree at Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse.

Foto Antoine Jouteau
Antoine Jouteau

Mr. Antoine Julien Jouteau is a Chief Executive Officer at Adevinta ASA, a Chairman at Videdressing SAS, a Chairman at SnT Classifieds ANS and a Chief Executive Officer at Adevinta France SASU.
Mr. Jouteau was previously employed as a Chief Executive Officer by LBC France SASU, a Marketing Manager by PagesJaunes Groupe SA, a Marketing Manager by Telediffusion de France SA, and a General Manager by Editions Aixoises Multimédia SAS.
He also served on the board at Mobile Marketing Association France.
He received his graduate degree from Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and a graduate degree from SKEMA Business School.

Antoine Bernard de Saint-Affrique
Antoine Bernard de Saint-Affrique

Momenteel bekleedt Antoine Bernard de Saint-Affrique de functie van Chief Executive Officer voor Barry Callebaut AG. Hij zit ook in de raad van bestuur van Burberry Group Plc, Barry Callebaut Sourcing AG, de Zwitsers-Amerikaanse kamer van koophandel en Barry Callebaut Cocoa AG. In zijn vorige carrière bekleedde hij de functie van President-Food Division bij Unilever Plc Voorzitter & Chief Executive Officer voor Unilever Magyarorszg Kft. en Vice President-Marketing & Partner bij Amora Maille Socit Industrielle SASU (beide zijn dochtermaatschappijen van Unilever Plc). De heer De Saint-Affrique behaalde een MBA aan de ESSEC Business School.

Foto Antoine Marie Remi Giscard-d'Estaing
Antoine Marie Remi Giscard-d'Estaing

Antoine Marie Remi Giscard-d'Estaing currently works at Cnova Pay SAS, as Chairman, NRJ Group SA, as Independent Director from 2004, and Greenyellow Vente d'Énergie SAS, as President from 2015.
Mr. Giscard-d'Estaing also formerly worked at Casino, Guichard-Perrachon SA, as Chief Financial Officer & CEO-Corporate Finance from 2009 to 2018, Casino Finance SA, as Vice Chairman & Deputy Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Continental Europe, as Vice Chairman-Investment & Financial Divisions, Monoprix SAS, as Chairman-Supervisory Board from 2013 to 2018, FLOA SA, as Chairman from 2010 to 2017, Casino Restauration SAS, as Chairman from 2009 to 2012, Délisaveurs SAS, as Chairman, Les Ecoles du Soleil, as Vice Chairman, Cnova NV, as Chairman from 2016 to 2018, GreenYellow SAS, as Chairman-Supervisory Board from 2015 to 2018, Danone SA, as Secretary, Director-Finance & Information Systems in 2008, Companhia Brasileira de Distribuicao, as Director from 2009 to 2015, SUEZ SA, as Finance Director from 1990 to 1999, Mercialys SA, as Director from 1999 to 2018, Compagnie Gervais Danone SA, as Director & Deputy Managing Director, Intexa SA, as Director from 2009 to 2012, Générale Biscuit Glico France SAS, as Director & Deputy Managing Director, Schneider Electric SE, as Chief Financial Officer, MD-Control & Legal, Bain et Cie SNC, as Partner from 2008 to 2009, Autorité des marchés financiers, as Member, and Franprix Holding SAS, as Member-Supervisory Board.
Mr. Giscard-d'Estaing received his undergraduate degree from École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris and undergraduate degree from Ecole Nationale d'Administration.

Foto Antoine Fine
Antoine Fine

Antoine Fine is the founder of Eutopia Gestion SAS, which was founded in 2015.
He is currently the Director at Même Cosmetics SAS since 2016, a Member-Supervisory Board at Smartholiday SAS, and a Partner at Frst Capital SAS since 2015.
In the past, he worked as a Director-Investments at Fonds Partenaires-Gestion SA from 2006 to 2010 and at LFPI Gestion SAS from 2007 to 2010.

Foto Antoine Boivin-Champeaux
Antoine Boivin-Champeaux

Antoine Boivin-Champeaux worked as a Research Analyst at Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux SA from 2010 to 2013.
He then worked as an Analyst at Natixis SA (Broker) from 2013 to 2018.
Finally, he worked as an Analyst at Oddo BHF SCA (Broker) from 2018 to 2022.

Foto Antoine Jarmak
Antoine Jarmak

Antoine Jarmak is currently a Managing Director at Crédit Mutuel Equity SCR since 2002.
Prior to this, he was a Member-Supervisory Board at Descours et Cabaud SA.

Foto Antoine Belge
Antoine Belge

Antoine Belge is a Research Analyst at BNP Paribas SA (Broker).
He previously worked as the Global Co-Head of Consumer Brands & Retail at HSBC Bank Plc (France) and as the Head of Luxury Goods at Exane SA (United Kingdom).

Foto Antoine Kauffeisen
Antoine Kauffeisen

Antoine Kauffeisen worked as a Vice President-Marketing at Acapela Group Babel Technologies SA.

Foto Antoine Trannoy
Antoine Trannoy

Antoine Trannoy is currently a Director at 4JET Technologies GmbH, Efficient IP SAS, and Interel.
He is also a Managing Partner at Jolt Capital SAS and a Member-Supervisory Board at 4JET microtech GmbH.
In the past, he worked as a Principal at International Business Machines Corp.
and WorldCom, Inc., and as the Chief Technology Officer at Mentum SA.

Foto Antoine Flochel
Antoine Flochel

Antoine Flochel is currently the Vice Chairman at Ipsen SA since 2009.
He is also the Chairman & Managing Director at Beech Tree SA and a Director at Beech Tree SARL since 2003.
Additionally, he holds positions as a Director at Meetmeout SAS, Kf Finanz AG, MR BMH SARL, Bluehill Participations SARL, Cled Financière SRL, Financière de Catalogne SARL, and Managing Partner at Massa Management SARL.
In the past, Mr. Flochel served as the Chairman & Managing Director at Mayroy SA, Director at Alma Capital Europe SA, A.D.H.
SAS, and Institut Français Des Administrateurs.
He was also a Director at Alma Capital Investment Management SA and a Member-Supervisory Board at New Challenger SAS.
Prior to that, he worked as a Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers Corporate Financ SAS from 1998 to 2005.
He also held positions as a Legal Manager at SCI Financière des Eaux, VicJen Finance SARL, and SCI Financière Cled, as well as a Managing Partner at MR HB SARL.
Mr. Flochel completed his graduate studies at the London School of Economics & Political Science and Université Paris Dauphine-PSL.
He also holds an undergraduate degree from Sciences Po.

Foto Tony Chedraoui
Tony Chedraoui

Antoine G.
is the founder of Tyrus Capital S.A.M.
which was founded in 2009.
He held the titles of Chief Investment Officer & CEO.
Currently, he is a Director at Tyrus Capital Event Fund Ltd., Tyrus Capital Services Ltd., and Tyrus Capital Global Alpha Fund L P.
In the past, he was the Chief Executive Officer at Tyrus Capital LLP from 2009 to 2012.
He was also a Director at Rhyolite Resources Ltd.
from 2020 to 2023 and held the title of Head-Driven Strategies at Deephaven Capital Management LLC.
Mr. Chedraoui received his undergraduate degree from the American University of Beirut and his graduate degree from École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris.

Foto Antoine Sukhun
Antoine Sukhun

Mr. Antoine Sukhun is Executive Manager-Risk Management Department at Kuwait International Bank KSC.

Foto Antoine Pussiau
Antoine Pussiau

Mr. Antoine Pussiau is Chief Executive Officer at Transavia France.
Mr. Pussiau was previously employed as Executive Vice President-Europe & North Africa by Air France-KLM SA and Non-Executive Director by Air Mauritius Ltd.
He received his undergraduate degree from the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises.

Foto Antoine Seeyave
Antoine Seeyave

Antoine Seeyave is the founder and former Chairman of Innodis Ltd.
which was founded in 1973.
He is also the founder of Floreal Knitwear Ltd.
Mr. Seeyave's current jobs include Chairman positions at Happy World Ltd., Happy World Property Ltd., and Director positions at iPRO Growth Fund Ltd., Bank of Mauritius, JPMorgan Indian Investment Co. Mauritius Ltd., Apex Holdings Ltd., Derby Trading Ltd., Ironbridge Enterprises Ltd., Trento Leisure Ltd., Happy World Enterprises Ltd., Johnston Enterprises Ltd., and Kingston Enterprises Ltd.
Mr. Seeyave's former job was as an Independent Non-Executive Director at Caudan Development Ltd.

Foto Antoine Leccia
Antoine Leccia

Antoine Leccia is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Antoine Moueix SAS.
He is also the Chairman of AdVini SA, SCEA Mas Neuf des Aresquiers, Jeanjean Canada, Advini USA, Lapalu Participations SAS, C.V.F.
SASU, Stellenbosch Vineyards, Advini Canada, Inc., and the Manager of SARL Conseils Altu Pratu.
In the past, he served as the Chief Executive Officer of Antoine Moueix & Lebegue SAS, Chairman of CFV SASU, and President & Director of Cannon Wines Ltd.

Foto Antoine Bühl
Antoine Bühl

Antoine Bühl worked as a Director & Chief Technical Officer at Availpro SAS from 2012 to 2015.

Foto Antoine D. Espous
Antoine D. Espous

Antoine D.
worked as a Manager at CA Holding SAS.

Foto Antoine P. Sabga
Antoine P. Sabga

Antoine P.
was the founder and former President of Trinity Construction Corp., which was founded in 1986.

Foto Antoine Fayet
Antoine Fayet

Antoine Fayet is currently the Chairman of Icade Bricolage, Icade Tour Descartes, Foncière De La Plaine SARL, and several other firms.
He is also a Director of Fincas Anzizu SL, Inmobiliaria de la Caisse des Depots Espana SA, and Isatis.
Additionally, he is a Managing Partner of Icade Messine Participations, Icade Camille Desmoulins, Icade 69 Boulevard Haussmann, and several other firms.
He is also a Manager of SCI 68 Victor Hugo, SCI du Bassin Nord, and several other firms.
Mr. Fayet's former positions include Vice Chairman of Fédération Habitat et Humanisme Assocation, Chairman of Praemia HEALTHCARE SA, and Chairman of Icade Commerces SAS.
He was also a Director of Silic SA and an Independent Director of Locindus SA. Furthermore, he was the Head-Residential Property Division of Icade SA from 2011 to 2012.
Mr. Fayet's education includes a graduate degree from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and an undergraduate degree from Sciences Po.

Foto Antoine Hadji Georgiou
Antoine Hadji Georgiou

Antoine Hadji Georgiou is the founder of National Trading Co. (Oman) established in 1982.
He held the position of Partner from 1982 to 2014.
Currently, he is a Director at Oryx Metal Industries LLC, National Trading & Projects Co. LLC, Oman Industrial Development Co. SAOC, Asia Fisheries Co. LLC, Jarjoor Establishment LLC, Sita & Al Bashaer Environment LLC, Al Asala International LLC, Al Madina Development & Supply LLC, Muamalat LLC, Security Printing Press LLC, Global Building & Construction LLC, Cloisall Muscat LLC, Wds Middle East LLC, Gulf of Oman Fishing International LLC, and Gulf Construction Products LLC.
He also served as Deputy Chairman at Oman Holdings International Co. from 2012 to 2013.
He was an Independent Non-Executive Director at Oman Chlorine SAOG, Arabia Falcon Insurance Co. SAOG, and SMN Power Holding SAOG.
He was a Director at Union Chlorine LLC and held the position of Principal at Sohar Power Co.

Foto Antoine Jabran Roufan Lutfi
Antoine Jabran Roufan Lutfi

Antoine Jabran Roufan Lutfi worked as a Director at Union Tobacco & Cigarette Industries Co.

Foto Antoine Aulanier
Antoine Aulanier

Antoine Aulanier worked as a Principal at Almirall SA and Roussel Uclaf SA. He also worked as Vice President-Commercial Operations at SpePharm Holding BV from 2008 to 2013.

Foto Antoine Puget
Antoine Puget

Antoine Puget is a Board Member at Siparex XAnge Venture SAS since 2010.
Prior to this, he worked as a Director at SIGEFI Private Equity SA from 1994 to 2013.

Foto Antoine Bodet
Antoine Bodet

Antoine Bodet is currently a Partner at Axio Capital SAS, an Investment Director at Alliance Entreprendre SAS, a Member of the Supervisory Board at About Premium Content SAS, and a Board Member at Media Musketeers Studios SAS.
In the past, he served as a Member of the Supervisory Board at Making Prod SASU, Federation Studios SAS, and Mediarithmics SASU, and as a Board Member at D-Aim SARL.

Foto Antoine Courteault
Antoine Courteault

Antoine Courteault worked as a Secretary & Legal Director at Alcatel SA, Secretary, Director-Legal & Employment Affairs at Compagnies Européennes Réunies SA, and as a Secretary at Sequana SA from 2005 to 2019.
He also worked as an Assistant-Financial Operations Department at Banque Indosuez SA.

Foto Antoine Peleyras
Antoine Peleyras

Antoine Peleyras currently works at Makro Cash & Carry Sdn.
Bhd., as Chief Executive Officer.

Foto Antoine Semaan
Antoine Semaan

Antoine Semaan currently works as the President of Tomahawk Labor, Inc.

Foto Antoine Kohler
Antoine Kohler

Mr. Antoine Kohler is Chief Executive Officer at Credit Market Analysis Ltd.

Foto Antoine Coutière
Antoine Coutière

Antoine Coutière currently works at Crédit Foncier et Communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine Banque SA, as Chairman from 2004 and Vauban Mobilisations Garanties, as Member-Supervisory Board.

Foto Antoine Fady
Antoine Fady

Antoine Fady is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Flint Group Italia SpA, Director at Roquette Frères SA, and Director at Flint Ink (UK) Ltd.
Previously, he was the Chief Executive Officer at ICI Packaging Coatings, Chief Executive Officer at Sigma Group SA, and General Manager at Akzo Nobel Decorative Paints Sp zoo.
He holds an MBA from INSEAD and an undergraduate degree from École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne.

Foto Antoine David
Antoine David

Antoine David has founded two companies, Stats Analytics France SAS in 1995 and Sport Universal SA in 1995.
At Sport Universal SA, he held the title of Chairman from 1995 to 2011.

Foto Antoine Vincent Colin
Antoine Vincent Colin

Antoine Vincent Colin is the founder of Rapita Systems Ltd.
He holds the title of Director at the company, which was founded in 2004.

Foto Antoine Nivard
Antoine Nivard

Antoine Nivard is the founder of Blank Ventures, which was founded in 2021.
He is currently the Director at Allay, Inc. since 2017.
Mr. Nivard's former positions include being a Board Director at Poka, Inc. from 2015 to 2021, a Director at BenchSci Analytics, Inc., a Board Director at BenchSci Analytics, Inc. from 2018 to 2021, a Board Director at DarwinAI Corp.
from 2018 to 2021, and a Principal at iNovia Capital, Inc. from 2013 to 2021.
He was also a Consultant at Secor LLC from 2010 to 2013, an Associate Consultant at OC&C Strategy Consultants (Boston) LLC, and a Principal at The Secor Group, Inc. Mr. Nivard received his undergraduate degree from HEC Montréal.

Foto Antoine Bertier
Antoine Bertier

Antoine Bertier worked as a Director of Software Research & Development at Lectra SA.

Foto Antoine Declercq
Antoine Declercq

Antoine Declercq worked as a Director at GOTO Capital.

Foto Antoine Lattion
Antoine Lattion

Antoine Lattion is currently the Chairman of the Management Board at Hopital du Chablais, Chairman of the Association du Développement Régional du Bas-Valais, and Director at Romande Energie Commerce SA. In the past, he was the Chairman of Société électrique du Bas-Valais SA, Director at Romande Energie Holding SA from 1997 to 2011, and a Member of the Cantonal Court Valais from 1977 to 1993.

Foto Antoine Remy
Antoine Remy

Antoine Remy worked as the Chief Financial Officer & Vice President-Finance at The Dannon Co., Inc. from 2004 to 2017.
Prior to that, he was the Director-Business Planning & Analysis at Danone SA (Spain).
Remy received an undergraduate degree from Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Reims.

Foto Antoine Dreux
Antoine Dreux

Antoine Dreux worked as a Private Banker at Carmignac Gestion SA from 2010 to 2020.

Foto Antoine Schwartz
Antoine Schwartz

Antoine Schwartz is the founder of The Black Ant Group LLP, which was founded in 2004.
He held the title of Chief Investment Officer.
Mr. Schwartz also held former positions as Director at Frans Bonhomme SAS from 2000 to 2012, Independent Director at Exor SpA in 2011, and Principal at Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC.
Mr. Schwartz received an MBA from Harvard University and a graduate degree from Ecole Polytechnique.

Foto Antoine Flamarion
Antoine Flamarion

Antoine Flamarion is the founder of Tikehau Capital SCA, founded in 2004.
He is also the founder of Tikehau Capital Advisors SAS, founded in 2005, where he currently holds the title of Chief Financial Officer.
Additionally, he was the founder of Sofidy SA, founded in 1987, where he held the title of Founding Chairman.
Mr. Flamarion's current job(s) include being the Chairman of AF&Co SAS since 2010.
He is also the Chairman of Makemo SAS, Fakarava SAS, Tryptique SAS, Makemo Capital SAS (since 2016), TDT SAS, Tikehau Management, Capexis, Tikehau Investment Management Asia Pacific Pte Ltd., TR Advisors Ltd., Takume SARL, F2 SAS, Alma Property SA, and La Ferme Du Plan 2.
Mr. Flamarion's former job(s) include being the Chairman of Cimes & Cie SAS, Chairman-Supervisory Board of Hao, and Investment Committee Chairman of Salvepar.
He was also the Chairman of Salvepar from 2012 to 2013.
He served as a Director of Salvepar SAS, Groupe Flo SA (from 2006 to 2014), Financière Bertrand SAS, Tikehau Capital UK Ltd., Tikehau Capital Europe Ltd., Tikehau Investment Ltd., and Member-Supervisory Board of Selectirente SA. Mr. Flamarion's education includes an undergraduate degree from Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and a graduate degree from Université de Paris IV Paris-Sorbonne.

Foto Antoine Lamarche
Antoine Lamarche

Antoine Lamarche currently works as a Director of Communications and Marketing at Cdiscount SA.

Foto Antoine Roche
Antoine Roche

Antoine Roche founded La Robinetterie Industrielle SAS in 1947.

Foto Antoine Pupin
Antoine Pupin

Mr. Pupin’s career spans 30+ years and includes roles inside of large corporations, bulge bracket investment banks, and international private equity firms.
Mr. Pupin holds a master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from ISAE-Supaero Ensica and a Master of Business Administration in International Management from Thunderbird School of Global Management.

Foto Antoine Duarte
Antoine Duarte

Antoine Duarte served as Chairman at Big Mer & Montagne SASU from 2015 to 2018 and as President at Intescia Group SAS.

Foto Antoine Sorange
Antoine Sorange

Antoine Sorange worked as the Director of SRI Research at Integral Development Asset Management SA from 2010 to 2011.
He then worked as the Head of SRI Research at Amundi Asset Management SA from 2011 to 2018.

Foto Antoine Dubout
Antoine Dubout

Antoine Dubout has worked as a Director at Lamy SA and as Head-Administration at ERILIA SA.

Foto Antoine Soto
Antoine Soto

Antoine Soto has a current job as Director-Business Development at Laboratoires Expanscience SA.

Foto Antoine Arlet
Antoine Arlet

Antoine Arlet has held positions as an Investment Director at CIC Private Debt SASU starting in 2010 and as a Principal at Crédit Mutuel Equity SCR starting in 2016.

Foto Antoine Asfar
Antoine Asfar

Antoine Asfar is associated with Limonetik SAS as the Head of Research and Development.
He is also the founder of Limonetik SAS, which was founded in 2007.

Foto Antoine Cocagne
Antoine Cocagne

Mr. Antoine Cocagne is Secretary & Director at In Vivo SARL and Secretary & Director at Union InVivo.
He is on the Board of Directors at In Vivo SARL and Union InVivo.

Foto Antoine T. Chamandi
Antoine T. Chamandi

Antoine T.
currently works as a Chief Financial Officer at Banque BEMO SAL.

Foto Antoine Fraisse
Antoine Fraisse

Antoine Fraisse has a current job as a Manager at Cabinet Villa SARL.

Foto Antoine Belloy
Antoine Belloy

Antoine Belloy has worked as a Director at Marignan Gestion SA since 2007.

Foto Antoine Yacoub
Antoine Yacoub

Antoine Yacoub worked as a Research Analyst at Barclays Capital Securities Ltd.

Foto Antoine Freysz
Antoine Freysz

Antoine Freysz was the founder of Frst Capital SAS, founded in 2009, where he held the title of Managing Director from 2012 to 2014.
He is also the founder of Kerala Partners SARL, founded in 2014, where he holds the title of CEO.
Mr. Freysz's current jobs include Director at Evaneos SA since 2014 and Director at Privateaser SAS.
Mr. Freysz's former jobs include Chairman at Reffou SASU, Director at GaultMillau SA, and Director at Malt Community SA from 2021 to 2022.
Mr. Freysz received an undergraduate degree from École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris.
Mr. Freysz is also the founder of Naturabuy SAS.

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  3. Antoine Gosset-Grainville