Mr. Patrick Falzon is an Analyst at Evercore Group LLC.
Mr. Falzon was a Research Associate by Evercore Group LLC.
Mr. Falzon received his BS in Finance and International Business degree from New York University.
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Evercore Group LLC
Evercore Group LLC Investment Banks/BrokersFinance Evercore Group LLC is a SEC-registered broker/dealer headquartered in New York City. The firm was founded in 1995 and is a subsidiary of Evercore BD Investco LLC, which is owned by Evercore, Inc. (NYSE: EVR). Evercore Group delivers equity research and equity sales and agency trading execution, in addition to providing wealth and investment management services to high net worth and institutional investors. | Analyst-Equity | 01-11-2016 |
International Strategy & Investment Group LLC
International Strategy & Investment Group LLC Investment Banks/BrokersFinance Founded in 1991 by Ed Hyman and Nancy Lazar, International Strategy & Investment Group LLC is a broker/dealer located in New York City. The firm is a subsidiary of Evercore Partners, Inc. (NYSE: EVR). They are also known as ISI Group. The firm specializes in research on the following areas: economics, policy, technical analysis, tech strategy, portfolio strategy, quantitative research, integrated oil, accounting and tax policy research, China, machinery, banks, REITs, company surveys and client projects. | Analyst-Equity | 01-12-2015 |
Opleiding van Patrick Falzon
New York University | Undergraduate Degree |
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International Strategy & Investment Group LLC
International Strategy & Investment Group LLC Investment Banks/BrokersFinance Founded in 1991 by Ed Hyman and Nancy Lazar, International Strategy & Investment Group LLC is a broker/dealer located in New York City. The firm is a subsidiary of Evercore Partners, Inc. (NYSE: EVR). They are also known as ISI Group. The firm specializes in research on the following areas: economics, policy, technical analysis, tech strategy, portfolio strategy, quantitative research, integrated oil, accounting and tax policy research, China, machinery, banks, REITs, company surveys and client projects. | Finance |
Evercore Group LLC
Evercore Group LLC Investment Banks/BrokersFinance Evercore Group LLC is a SEC-registered broker/dealer headquartered in New York City. The firm was founded in 1995 and is a subsidiary of Evercore BD Investco LLC, which is owned by Evercore, Inc. (NYSE: EVR). Evercore Group delivers equity research and equity sales and agency trading execution, in addition to providing wealth and investment management services to high net worth and institutional investors. | Finance |