Marcin Jan Szumowski

Marcin Jan Szumowski

Algemeen Directeur bij MOLECURE S.A.

Vermogen: 4 M $ op 30-04-2024

Consumer Services
Technology Services
Health Technology


Marcin Jan Szumowski was the founder of Medicalgorithmics SA, founded in 2005, where he held the title of Chief Executive Officer from 2005 to 2010.
He is also the founder of MedicAlgorithmics Ltd., founded in 2005.
Currently, Dr. Szumowski holds several positions.
Since 2012, he has been the President & Chief Executive Officer of Molecure SA. He is also the Chairman & Partner of Szumowski Investments Sp zoo.
Additionally, he serves as a Member of the Supervisory Board at Warszawskie Centrum Nowych Technologii Sp zoo and as a Member of GLG Healthcare Institute.
In the past, Dr. Szumowski has held positions as Chairman at Simplicardiac Sp zoo and Vestera Sp zoo.
He was also a Partner at Szumowski Assets Sp J, Life Science Innovations Sp zoo, and Kardiosystem Alpejska Sp zoo.
Dr. Szumowski's education includes a doctorate from the University of Illinois in 1997, an undergraduate degree from the University of Massachusetts in 1991, and an MBA from the University of Nevada in 2001.

Bekende belangen in openbare bedrijven

OndernemingDatumAantal aandelenTotale waardeWaarderingsdatum
30-06-2023 1 070 000 ( 6.36% ) 4 M $ 30-04-2024

Actieve functies van Marcin Jan Szumowski

MOLECURE S.A. Algemeen Directeur 01-12-2012
Warszawskie Centrum Nowych Technologii Sp zoo Directeur/Bestuurslid -
Szumowski Investments Sp zoo Voorzitter -
Corporate Officer/Principal -
Alle actieve functies van Marcin Jan Szumowski

Eerdere bekende functies van Marcin Jan Szumowski

MEDICALGORITHMICS S.A. Oprichter 01-01-2010
Algemeen Directeur 01-01-2010
Kardiosystem Alpejska Sp zoo Corporate Officer/Principal -
Life Science Innovations Sp zoo Corporate Officer/Principal -
Simplicardiac Sp zoo Voorzitter -
Ervaring van Marcin Jan Szumowski in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Marcin Jan Szumowski

University of Illinois Doctorate Degree
University of Massachusetts Undergraduate Degree
University of Nevada Masters Business Admin

Beklede functies



Beursgenoteerde bedrijven

Bedrijven in privébezit

Ervaring van Marcin Jan Szumowski in detail bekijken


100 +

Eerstegraads connecties


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Persoonlijk netwerk weergeven

Verwante bedrijven

Beursgenoteerde bedrijven1

Health Technology

Bedrijven in privébezit10

Technology Services

Simplicardiac Sp zoo

Molecure SA

Warszawskie Centrum Nowych Technologii Sp zoo

Health Services

Szumowski Investments Sp zoo

Vestera Sp zoo

Szumowski Assets Sp J

Life Science Innovations Sp zoo

Kardiosystem Alpejska Sp zoo

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  2. Insiders
  3. Marcin Jan Szumowski
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