Kevin Sullivan

Kevin Sullivan

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Prior to his affiliation with The Angels' Forum, Mr. Sullivan was Executive Vice-president at Wells Fargo Bank in San Francisco.
He was the Senior Vice President of Human Resources and a member of the Executive Staff at Apple Computer from 1987-1996.
He also held a number of executive and management positions at Digital Equipment Company both in the United States and Europe.
He presently is Managing Partner of Boy In The Drain Productions, Independent Film Company.
He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Silicon Valley Joint Ventures and Inroads of Northern California, and is presently a member of the advisory boards of Kadarie and Concours Consulting Group.
He earned a B.A.
degree from Columbia University and an M.A.
from Wesleyan University.

Eerdere bekende functies van Kevin Sullivan

Corporate Officer/Principal 31-05-2010
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