karine khatcherian

karine khatcherian

Algemeen Directeur bij Enervest Capital LLC

Consumer Services


Karine co-heads Closed Loop Partners’ private equity platform, the Closed Loop Leadership Fund.
Her role includes deal sourcing, execution and portfolio management.
Karine has been part of the Closed Loop Partners team since 2017, first as an independent member of the Investment Committee for the Closed Loop Infrastructure Fund, then as an advisor for various Closed Loop Partners funds before joining the Leadership Fund in 2022.
She is the Founder and CEO of Enervest Capital, LLC, a firm that provided outsourced strategic, management, transactional, and operational services to private investment firms, financial and governmental institutions and portfolio companies.
Prior to joining the Closed Loop Leadership Fund team, Karine led an exploration project for Prime Coalition characterizing the funding gaps – and exploring avenues to address such gaps – in the deployment of Climate Infrastructure.
Earlier, Karine co-led investments in Environmental Opportunities for NewWorld Capital Group, focusing on clean energy, water reclamation, waste conversion, and energy efficiency.
Previously, she was a Senior Vice President at GE Energy Financial Services, where she led investments in power and clean energy, and a Director at ABB Equity Ventures, where she led development and acquisition of infrastructure projects and companies.
Karine holds a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Génie Industriel and a post-graduate diploma (Diplôme D’Etudes Approfondies) in Financial Management from the Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (Grenoble, France).
In her spare time, she mentors entrepreneurs as an EIR for Columbia Technology Ventures/NYSERDA.

Actieve functies van karine khatcherian

Consultant / Adviseur 01-01-2021
Enervest Capital LLC Algemeen Directeur 01-10-2009
Consultant / Adviseur 01-03-2021
Alle actieve functies van karine khatcherian

Eerdere bekende functies van karine khatcherian

Private Equity Investor 31-12-2017
Private Equity Analist 31-12-2008
Private Equity Investor 31-10-2006
ABB Equity Ventures, Inc. Private Equity Investor 30-09-2002
Ervaring van karine khatcherian in detail bekijken

Opleiding van karine khatcherian

Ecole Nationale Superieur Darchitecture De Lyon Undergraduate Degree

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Ervaring van karine khatcherian in detail bekijken



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ABB Equity Ventures, Inc.




Enervest Capital LLC

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  3. karine khatcherian