John Prescott

John Prescott

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John Prescott is Power Supply Officer of Seattle City Light.
He has been a Director of Energy Northwest since April 2005.
He held various positions with Idaho Power Company, IDACorp Technologies and Stellar Dynamics, Inc. He is a Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Northwest Energy Coalition, the Idaho State University and College of Engineering.
He was Vice President and Board Member of the National Hydropower Association Advisory Board.
He graduated from Harvard Business School's Advanced Management Program.
He received a PhD in alternative energy from the University of Wales.
He received an MS in electrical engineering from the University of Idaho and a BS in general engineering from Idaho State University.

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Directeur/Bestuurslid -
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Opleiding van John Prescott

Harvard University Undergraduate Degree
University of Wales (Bangor) Doctorate Degree
University of Idaho Graduate Degree
Idaho State University Undergraduate Degree

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