Dan Seiver

Dan Seiver

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Consumer Services


Dr. Daniel Seiver is a Chief Economist at Reilly Financial Advisors LLC.
He enhances the firm’s global macroeconomic approach and outlook, ensuring that all portfolios are managed within context of the global economy.
He is a member of the Economics faculty at Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo, where he has taught Introductory Economics, Money and Banking, and Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory, and published his research in the Journal of Wealth Management.
Dr. Seiver was on the Finance faculty at San Diego State University from 2005-2013, where he taught International Business Finance, Investments, Personal Finance.
and Managerial Economics.
From 1978 to 2005, he was a Professor of Economics at Miami University (Ohio), where he taught ten different courses in economics, and had over 20 refereed publications in professional journals.
He also coauthored an MIT Press book on regional economic policy, and a Probus/McGraw-Hill book on investment strategy.
He was a consultant to the Center for Naval Analyses, and the investment adviser to the Population Association of America for many years.
Dr. Seiver earned his Bachelor of Arts, Masters and Ph.
D., all in Economics, from Yale University.

Eerdere bekende functies van Dan Seiver

Economist 01-01-2022
Miami University Corporate Officer/Principal 31-12-2004
Ervaring van Dan Seiver in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Dan Seiver

Yale University Doctorate Degree

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