Caroline Marciano

Caroline Marciano

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Consumer Services


Ms. Caroline Marciano is SVP, Chief Fiduciary & Risk Officer at Kanaly Trust LTA.
She oversees estate administrations ensuring that the company’s duties and responsibilities as Executor are fulfilled efficiently in an organized, detail-oriented manner.
She is a member of Kanaly’s Risk Management Committee and serves as Chair of Kanaly’s Trust Committee.
She is a member of the State Bar of Texas (Real Estate, Probate & Trust Section), Houston Bar Association (Probate, Trusts & Estates Section), and Nebraska State Bar Association (Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Section).
Prior to joining Kanaly Trust LTA in 2011, Ms. Marciano practiced trusts and estates law for over five years at a highly regarded law firm in Houston specializing in probate, trusts, estates and related litigation.
She previously served on the board of the Association of Women Attorneys and on the planning committee for the South Texas College of Law Wills & Probate Institute.
She has over ten years of experience in trust and estate administration, estate and transfer tax planning, and fiduciary responsibilities.
She obtained her Doctor of Jurisprudence degree in 2005 from the University of Houston and is a licensed attorney in Texas and Nebraska.

Opleiding van Caroline Marciano

University of Houston Graduate Degree

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