
Foto Rhodri Harries
Rhodri Harries

Momenteel is Rhodri J. Harries EVP, Chief Financial & Administrative Officer bij Gildan Activewear, Inc. De heer Harries zit ook in de raad van bestuur van Stella-Jones, Inc. In het verleden bekleedde hij de functie van Chief Financial Officer bij Rio Tinto Alcan, Inc., Assistent Treasurer bij General Motors Corp. en Treasurer & Vice President bij Alcan, Inc. Hij is afgestudeerd aan de McMaster University en heeft zijn doctoraal behaald aan de Queen's University.

Foto Rhodri Evans
Rhodri Evans

Mr. Rhodri Evans is an Regional Manager at Finance Wales Investments ltd.
He is responsible for debt, mezzanine and equity investments in Welsh small and medium-sized businesses based in Anglessey, Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Gwynedd and Wrexham from the Wales JEREMIE, SME Investment and Property Development Funds.
Mr. Evans previously worked for HSBC He is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Banking.
Mr. Evans holds degrees in Banking & Finance and Biotechnology.

Foto Rhodri Evans
Rhodri Evans

Rhodri Evans is the founder of TigerBay Software Ltd., which was founded in 2008, where he holds the title of Director.
Currently, Mr. Evans is a Director & Technical Director at Tourhub Ltd.

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