Andere talen S&P GSCI Energy Index


Real Time USA 21:36:22 15-07-2024 Variatie 5 dagen Verschil t.o.v. 1 jan (%)
266,6 PTS -0,54% Intraday-grafiek van S&P GSCI Energy Index -2,15% +8,61%
Futures Down Pre-Bell Ahead of Fed Chair Speech; Asia Churns, Europe Falls
Borsa : Europa prosegue in calo, a Milano (-1,2%) con auto e banche giu'
MIDDAY BRIEFING - Unternehmen und Märkte
NY Crude Brief: Up 0.75% at Just Above US$84
Rohstoff-Überblick: Agrar schwächelt, Metalle stabil, Energie steigt
AKTIEN EUROPA: Verluste - Eurozonen-Inflation und Hurrikan-Saison belasten
NY Crude Brief: Up 0.7% at Just Under US$84
Commerzbank on Overnight News
Le pétrole profite de possibles baisses de taux et de la saison des ouragans
Greggio vicino a massimi due mesi su previsioni domanda estiva, timori offerta
Stocks, FX drop with yuan hitting seven-month low
Aktien Schweiz: Unsicherheit belastet SMI
Borse: Europa in calo, Zurigo -0,8%
Commodities Overview: Agriculture takes a beating, metals stabilize and energy rises
Tour d'horizon des matières premières : l'agriculture au tapis, les métaux se stabilisent et l'énergie progresse
Stocks struggle before eurozone data
U.S. Futures and European Stocks Slightly Down
London stocks slip as election looms closer, Sainsbury falls on reaffirmed outlook
Mersen : acquisition de GMI Group aux Etats-Unis
Borsa : verso avvio debole, focus su inflazione Ue e banche centrali
Petrolio: in rialzo, Brent si avvicina a 87 dollari
German energy transition powered mainly by fossil fuel cuts: Maguire
Morning Briefing - International Teil
Oil holds near two-month high on higher demand outlook, possible rate cut
MÄRKTE USA/Freundlich - Technologieaktien favorisiert
Los precios del crudo suben por esperanzas de demanda estival en el hemisferio norte
Los precios del crudo suben por esperanzas de demanda estival en el hemisferio norte
US Equities Markets End Higher Monday as Investors Parse Manufacturing Sector Data
Sector Update: Energy Stocks Edge Up Late Monday Afternoon
Equity Markets Mostly Higher as Traders Analyze Manufacturing Sector Data
Le pétrole au plus haut depuis plus de deux mois
Sector Update: Energy
Sector Update: Energy Stocks Rise in Monday Afternoon Trading
Sector Update: Energy
US Equity Indexes, Oil Prices, Treasury Yields Rise Midday
Nymex Overview : Futures Surge Into Midday; WTI Rallies to Two-Month High -- OPIS
Oro sube, inversores esperan datos EEUU y declaraciones de jefe de la Fed
World stocks, U.S. yields gain after French election results
MÄRKTE USA/Etwas fester - Marktzinsen steigen weiter
Nigeria programma roadshow per attirare major petrolifere in settore onshore
London stocks steady as housebuilders offer support, election in focus
Saudi Arabia announces discovery of seven oil, gas deposits
Ölpreise steigen zum Wochenstart
Saudi energy minister announces discovery of multiple oil, gas fields
Norway limits sale of private property in Svalbard
