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Email: investorgrievances.cilnova@chiripalgroup.com,website: www.cnpcl.com

5) û¼Ì. @¼¼ÌÿhÌA• A‡ø¼¬Š¼Ì¬¼ Š¼œ¼ü¼¡¼Ìh ½ÿ¼û¼ÂhÌm


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Notice is hereby given that the 18th

Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of CIL Nova

@¼û¼y¼¡¼¼y - 380055, •¼`ü¼: S¼Æ]•¼t¼

Petrochemicals Limited (the "Company") will be held through Video Conferencing ("VC") or

Other Audio Visual Means ("OAVM") on Thursday, 29th September, 2022 at 04:00 p.m. pursuant

¬¼¼°Ìù¼ ¦¼Â,

to the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules framed thereunder read

½¡¼©¼ü¼: ½¬¼Lü¼¼Ì½•h¼AdÌ£¼‡¼ @¼Ì‡m ½•KZ¬h›L£¼‡¼ @¼¼Ìö

with General Circular Nos. 20/2020 dtd. 5th May, 2020, 02/2021 dtd. 13th January, 2021 and

02/2022 dtd. 5th May, 2022 issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and SEBI Circular Nos.

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SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD1/CIR/P/2020/79 dtd. 12th May, 2020, SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD2/CIR/P/2021/11

A‡h•Ì¬h @¼ÌLh 2002‡¼Â Kÿ¼û¼ 13 (2) °Ìkº¼ û¼¼S¼r¼¼ ‡¼¼Ìh¬¼

dtd. 15th January, 2021 and SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD2/CIR/P/2022/62 dtd. 13th May, 2022 to

(Formerly Known as Trans Financial Resources Limited)

transact the business set forth in the AGM Notice.

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CIN: L70100GJ1994PLC022954

In compliance with the above circulars, the AGM Notice alongwith the Annual Report for the

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financial year 2021-22 will be sent through email to the members whose email addresses are

NAVRANGPURA, AHMEDABAD GJ 380009 IN • E-MAIL: tfrl4444@gmail.com

registered with the Company/RTA/Depository Participants.

ÿ¼¼Ì‡¼ @¼ÌK¼E‡h ‡¼Z.

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12.8.2022‡¼¼ •¼Ì]‡¼Â ]¡¼¼ù¼y¼•Â

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Members holding shares in physical mode, who have not registered their email addresses with


1. Notice is hereby given that the 27th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the

the Company/RTA can obtain the AGM Notice alongwith Annual Report and e-Voting login

company will be held on Wednesday, 28th September, 2022 at 05.00 P.M.

credentials by sending the following documents to the Company's Registrar and Transfer


through Video Conference (VC)/ Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM) in

Agent, Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd. ("RTA") on ahmedabad@linkintime.co.inand also to the


compliance with provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made

Company on investorgrievances.cilnova@chiripalgroup.com;

EŠ¼•¼ÌLt¼ ÿ¼¼Ì‡¼/½†¼•¼r¼ ¬¼¡¼ÿ¼t¼¼Ì, ½û¼ÿKt¼¼Ì‡¼¼ û¼¼ÌS¼Î] …¼•¼ ½¬¼Lü¼¼Ì• K•¡¼¼¼Z @¼¼¡¼Â Ì, ]̇¼Ì Q¼¼¬¼ K•Â‡¼Ì ‡¼Â[¼Ì y£¼¼™¡¼Ìÿ¼

thereunder and the SEBI(LODR) Regulation, 2015 read with Circular No.

14/2020 dated April 8, 2020, Circular No.17/2020 dated April 13, 2020 and

a) A request letter providing name of the Member, Folio No., Mobile No. and email address to

½£¼mØü¼Èÿ¼û¼¼Z t¼û¼¼•Â t¼•öÌr¼û¼¼Z @¼û¼ÿ¼Â K•¼Ìÿ¼ ¬¼Zù¼Z½†¼t¼ y¬t¼¼¡¼Ì^Ì @¼‡¼Æ¬¼¼• ¡¼r¼™¡¼¡¼¼û¼¼Z @¼¼¡¼Â Ì. ‡¼½†¼¼™½•t¼ £¼t¼¼Ì @¼‡¼Ì

Circular No. 20/2020 dated May 05, 2020 and Circular No. 02/2021 dated

be registered/updated and signed by Member (in case of joint holding, the request letter

½‡¼ü¼û¼¼Ì @¼‡¼Æ¬¼¼• t¼û¼Ì t¼¼•Â ]¡¼¼ù¼y¼•Â @¼y¼ K•¡¼¼û¼¼Z ½‡¼©öº¼ S¼ü¼¼ ¼Ì tü¼¼•Ì ù¼Ì‡KÌ @¼¼ w¼Ir¼‡¼Ì @¼Ì‡¼Š¼Â@¼Ì t¼•ÂKÌ

January 13, 2021 and all other relevant circulars issued from time to timeother

shall be signed by the first named shareholder);

21.4.2022‡¼¼ •¼Ì] ¡¼S¼ÄKÊu¼ Kü¼Æ™ Ì. t¼Ìx¼Â @¼û¼Ì t¼û¼‡¼Ì ½¡¼©¼ü¼ K¼ü¼y¼‡¼Â Kÿ¼û¼ 13 (2) °Ìkº¼ ‡¼¼Ìh¬¼ ^•Â K•Â‡¼Ì -.

circulars issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs , Government of India and

b) Self-attested scan copy of PAN Card of Member (in case of joint holding, PAN Card of the

SEBI, to transact the businesses that will be set forth in the Notice of the

23,32,92,721.30/- (-½Š¼ü¼¼ w¼Ì¡¼Â¬¼ K•¼Ìm ù¼w¼Â¬¼ ÿ¼¼Q¼ ù¼¼r¼Æ °^• ¬¼¼t¼¬¼¼Ì @¼ÌK¡¼Â¬¼ @¼‡¼Ì 30 Š¼Ð¬¼¼ Š¼È•¼)‡¼Â ¬¼û¼S¼œ


first named shareholder shall be submitted).

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2. The aforesaid Notice and the Annual Report of the company for the year ended

Members holding shares in physical mode, who have not updated their bank details are

@¼Zy• Š¼Èr¼™ K•¡¼¼ ]r¼¼¡¼Â@¼Ì Â@¼Ì, ]Ìû¼¼Z ½‡¼©öº¼ ]t¼¼ ½¡¼©¼ü¼ K¼ü¼y¼‡¼Â Kÿ¼û¼ 13 (4) °Ìkº¼ @¼û¼Ì y•ÌK @¼x¼¡¼¼ K¼ÌAŠ¼r¼

31st March, 2022 will be sent in electronic mode to all the members whose e-

requested to update the same by sending alongwith the above request letter, the self-attested

@¼ÌK K¼ü¼y¼‡¼¼Ì EŠ¼ü¼¼ÌS¼ K•Â£¼ÆZ.

mail ids are registered with the Company / Depository Participants. The Notice

scan copy of cancelled cheque bearing the name of the Member (in case of joint holding, the

of the AGM and the Annual Report will also be available and can be downloaded

¡¼†¼Æû¼¼Z t¼û¼‡¼Ì Š¼È¡¼™ ¬¼Zû¼½t¼ ½¡¼‡¼¼ K¼ÌA Š¼r¼ •Ât¼Ì, ½£¼mØü¼Èÿ¼û¼¼Z y£¼¼™¡¼Ìÿ¼ ½¬¼Lü¼¼Ìm™ ½û¼ÿ¼Lt¼¼Ìû¼¼Z K¼ÌA Š¼r¼ ¡ü¼¡¼°¼• K•¡¼¼x¼Â

cancelled cheque shall bear the name of first named shareholder).

from the website of the Company i.e. www.transfinancialrltd.com and on the

@¼hK¼¡¼¡¼¼û¼¼Z @¼¼¡¼Ì Ì. ½¡¼©¼ü¼ K¼ü¼^ @¼‡¼Ì/@¼x¼¡¼¼ @¼½¬t¼t¡¼û¼¼Z •°Ìÿ¼¼ K¼ü¼y¼ °Ìkº¼ @¼û¼‡¼Ì K¼ÌA Š¼r¼ @¼½†¼K¼•‡¼¼

Members holding shares in dematerialized mode are requested to register/update their email

website of the Bombay Stock Exchange i.e. www.bseindia.com.

Š¼È¡¼™S¼œ° ½¡¼‡¼¼ Ì.

3. The shareholders who have not registered their email address have to follow the

addresses, PAN No., mobile number and bank account details with their Depository Participants.

@¼¼x¼Â ½¬¼Lü¼¼Ìm™ ½û¼ÿKt¼¼ÌÌ Š¼•t¼ û¼Ìº¼¡¼¡¼¼ û¼¼hÌ EŠ¼ÿ¼ù†¼ ¬¼û¼ü¼‡¼¼ ¬¼Zù¼Z†¼û¼¼Z ¬¼•ö̬¼Â K¼ü¼^‡¼¼ Kÿ¼û¼ 13‡¼Â Š¼Ìh¼ Kÿ¼û¼

process as mentioned below to register the same:

The AGM Notice alongwith the Annual Report for the financial year 2021-22 will also be

• Shareholders holding shares in Physical mode and who have not registered

(8)‡¼Â ^ÌS¼¡¼¼A@¼¼Ì °Ìkº¼ t¼û¼¼- †ü¼¼‡¼ Q¼Í[¼¡¼¼û¼¼Z @¼¼¡¼Ì Ì.

available on the Company's website at www.cnpcl.com, on the Bombay Stock Exchange

their email address with the company are requested to register their mail id by

t¼û¼¼•¼ ÌŸ¼¼ ^r¼Ât¼¼ ¬¼•‡¼¼û¼Ì û¼¼S¼r¼¼ ‡¼¼Ìh¬¼ t¼û¼‡¼Ì •½]¬hm™ Š¼¼Ì¬h @¼ÌK‡¼¼Ìÿ¼Ì]û¼Ì‡h …¼•¼ ^•Â K•¡¼¼û¼¼Z @¼¼¡¼Â °t¼Â.

website at www.bseindia.comand on the Central Depository Services (India) Limited website

writing to the Company at tfrl444@gmail.com along with signed copy of

(‡¼¼Í†¼ - ½O¬hÿ¼¼Aem ‡¼ K•¼ü¼Ìÿ¼ °¼Ìü¼ t¼¼Ì Š¼r¼ Š¼¼hÄ …¼•¼ û¼Ìº¼¡¼Ìÿ¼ °¼Ìü¼ t¼Ì¡¼Â ‡¼¼Ì‡¼-öZm @¼¼†¼¼½•t¼ ½ÿ¼û¼Âhج¼ °¼Ìü¼ t¼¼Ì

at www.evotingindia.com

request letter mentioning name and address, self-attested copy of PAN CARD,

KÊŠ¼¼ K•Â‡¼Ì y£¼¼™¡¼¼Ì)

self-attested copy of any other address proof .

The manner of voting through remote e-voting or through the e-voting system during the AGM


• Shareholders holding shares in Demat from are requested to register/ update

for Members has been provided in the AGM Notice. Members are requested to carefully read

their email address with Concerned Depository.

û¼¼ÌS¼Î] /°¼ü¼Š¼¼Ìx¼ÂKÌh K•¼ü¼Ìÿ¼ ½û¼ÿKt¼¼Ì‡¼Â [¼¼ÌM¬¼ ½¡¼S¼t¼¼Ì ‡¼Â[¼Ì Š¼œû¼¼r¼Ì @¼¼Š¼¡¼¼û¼¼Z @¼¼¡¼Â Ì.

the notice of the AGM.

4. The shareholders who have not registered

their email addresses with the

For, CIL Nova Petrochemicals Limited

û¼¼ÌS¼Î] ½û¼ÿKt¼¼Ì‡¼Â ½¡¼S¼t¼¼Ì

Company or depositories need to follow the following process for obtaining

login credentials for remote e-voting and e-voting during the AGM:


@¼¼Ahû¼ ‡¼Z. 1

• In case shares are held in physical mode please provide Folio No., Name of

Jyotiprasad Chiripal

shareholder, scanned copy of the share certificate (front and back), PAN (self

Date : 30th August, 2022


1) @¼Ì‡¼@¼Ì ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î ‡¼Z. 41/1, ]̇¼Æ P¼w¼öº¼ 6 @¼ÌK• 3 S¼ÈZk¼ (@¼¼Ðƒ¼¼ÌS¼½K °Ìt¼Æ) Ì, ]Ì û¼ÿ¼¼S¼¼u¼Â S¼¼û¼, t¼¼ @¼‡¼Ì ½]Ÿ¼¼Ì

attested scanned copy of PAN card), AADHAR (self attested scanned copy of

Place: Ahmedabad

DIN: 00155695

Kÿ¼¼°Æ•¼S¼Â Q¼¼t¼Ì @¼¼¡¼Ìÿ¼Â Ì, ]Ì û¼¼û¼ @¼ÌS¼¼Ìœ öÈmØd ¬¼¼x¼Ì ¬¼Zù¼Z½†¼t¼ Ì, [¼t¼Æ:¬¼Âû¼¼ ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î ‡¼Z. 40, Š¼½¥¼û¼: ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î

Aadhar Card) by email to tfrrl4444@gmail.com .

‡¼Z. 42, Eu¼•: •¼Ìm @¼‡¼Ì t¼¼¡¼•S¼Ì•¼‡¼Â ¬¼Âû¼, y½P¼r¼: ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î ‡¼Z. 41/2.

• In case shares are held in demat mode, please provide DPID-CLID (16 digit

2) @¼Ì‡¼@¼Ì ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î ‡¼Z. 41/2, ]̇¼Æ P¼w¼öº¼ 6 @¼ÌK• 3 S¼ÈZk¼ (@¼¼Ðƒ¼¼ÌS¼½K °Ìt¼Æ) Ì, ]Ì û¼ÿ¼¼S¼¼u¼Â S¼¼û¼, t¼¼ @¼‡¼Ì ½]Ÿ¼¼Ì

DPID + CLID or 16 digit beneficiary ID), Name, client master or copy of

Kÿ¼¼°Æ•¼S¼Â Q¼¼t¼Ì @¼¼¡¼Ìÿ¼Â Ì, ]Ì û¼¼û¼ @¼ÌS¼¼Ìœ öÈmØd ¬¼¼x¼Ì ¬¼Zù¼Z½†¼t¼ Ì, [¼t¼Æ:¬¼Âû¼¼ ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î ‡¼Z. 40, Š¼½¥¼û¼: ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î

Consolidated Account statement, PAN (self attested scanned copy of PAN

‡¼Z. 42, Eu¼•: ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î ‡¼Z. 41/1 , y½P¼r¼: ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î ‡¼Z. 41/3.

card), AADHAR (self attested scanned copy of Aadhar Card) to

tfrrl4444@gmail.com . If you are an Individual shareholders holding securities

@¼¼Ahû¼ ‡¼Z. 2

in demat mode, you are requested to refer to the login method explained at

1) @¼Ì‡¼ ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î ‡¼Z. 10/6 @¼‡¼Ì 10/10, ]̇¼Æ P¼Ìw¼öº¼ 32 S¼ÈZk¼ Ì, ù¼‰¼Ì •°Ìr¼¼ZK @¼‡¼Ì K¼Ìû¼½£¼™ü¼ÿ¼ ]û¼Â‡¼ ]̇¼Æ P¼Ìw¼öº¼

step 1 (A) i.e. Login method for e-Voting and joining virtual meeting for

12954 [¼¼Ì.öÈh Ì, ]̇¼¼Ì Š¼Â@¼¼Am ‡¼Z. 129249 Ì (]̇¼Æ P¼Ìw¼öº¼ 19595 [¼¼Ì.öÈh Ì) @¼‡¼Ì Š¼Â@¼¼Am 143954 Ì, ]Ì

Individual shareholders holding securities in demat mode.

• Alternatively shareholder/members may send a request to evoting@nsdl.co.in

½ù¼}¼Š¼Æ•, Kÿ¼¼ù¼Æ•¼S¼Â Q¼¼t¼Ì @¼¼¡¼Ìÿ¼Â Ì @¼‡¼Ì ¦¼Â û¼¼Ì°ûû¼y ØùyÆÿ¼ û¼Æ_ù¼, @¼Ìû¼. @¼ùyÆÿ¼ û¼¼_y‡¼¼Ì Š¼Æw¼ ¬¼¼x¼Ì ¬¼Zù¼Z½†¼t¼ Ì,

for procuring user id and password for e-voting by providing above mentioned

[¼t¼Æ:¬¼Âû¼¼: Š¼È¡¼™: 150 öÈh Š¼°¼Ìº¼¼Ì Kÿ¼¼ù¼Æ•¼S¼Â x¼Â @¼ödÿ¼Š¼Æ•‡¼ •¼Ìm, Š¼½¥¼û¼: ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î ‡¼Z. 11, Eu¼•: Š¼œy½Š¼ ú¼i‡¼Â


]û¼Â‡¼, y½P¼r¼: ¬û¼£¼¼‡¼

• In terms of SEBI circular dated December 9, 2020 on e-Voting facility provided

2) @¼Ì‡¼Ì ]û¼Â‡¼ ‡¼Z. 10/4, ]̇¼Æ P¼Ìw¼öº¼ 00 @¼ÌK¬¼™ 3 S¼ÈZk¼ Ì, •°Ìr¼¼ZK °Ìt¼Æ (2776 [¼¼Ì.öÈh, ]̇¼¼Ì Š¼Â@¼¼Am ‡¼Z. 129261

by Listed Companies, Individual shareholders holding securities in demat mode

Ì), ]Ì ½ù¼}Š¼Æ•, Kÿ¼¼ù¼Æ•¼S¼Â Q¼¼t¼Ì @¼¼¡¼Ìÿ¼Â Ì, [¼t¼Æ:¬¼Âû¼¼: Š¼È¡¼™: 150 öÈh Š¼°¼Ìº¼¼Ì Kÿ¼¼ù¼Æ•¼S¼Âx¼Â @¼ödÿ¼Š¼Æ•‡¼¼Ì •¼Ìm,

are allowed to vote through their demat account maintained with Depositories

and Depository Participants. Shareholders are required to update their mobile

Š¼½¥¼û¼: Š¼¼K™ @¼‡¼Ì Š¼¼KÅS¼, Eu¼•: °¼ÿ¼‡¼ÆZ ¬û¼£¼¼‡¼, y½P¼r¼: 9 û¼Âh• Š¼°¼Ìº¼¼Ì •¼Ìm.

number and email ID correctly in their demat account in order to access e-

@¼¼Ahû¼ ‡¼Z. 3

Voting facility.

1) @¼Ì‡¼ ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î ‡¼Z. 21/7 ]̇¼Æ P¼Ìw¼öº¼ 73035 [¼¼Ì.öÈh Ì, ]Ì K¼Ìh‡¼È• mÂ, t¼¼ @¼‡¼Ì ½]Ÿ¼¼Ì Kÿ¼¼ù¼Æ•¼S¼Â Q¼¼t¼Ì @¼¼¡¼Ìÿ¼Â

5. Pursuant to section 91 of the companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 42 of the

SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the

Ì, ]Ì ¦¼Â û¼¼Ì°ûû¼y @¼ùyÆÿ¼ û¼Æ_ù¼, ¦¼Â @¼Ìû¼. @¼ùyÆÿ¼ û¼Æ_ù¼‡¼¼ Š¼Æw¼‡¼Ì ¬¼Zù¼Z½†¼t¼ Ì. [¼t¼Æ:¬¼Âû¼¼: Š¼È¡¼™: ¬¼È½[¼t¼ 60 öÈh Š¼°¼Ìº¼¼Ì

Register of Members and the Share Transfer books of the company shall remain

•¼Ìm, Š¼½¥¼û¼: ]û¼Â‡¼ ¬¼¡¼Î ‡¼Z. 21 ú¼¼S¼, Eu¼•: ÿ¼ÆKû¼¼‡¼ K¼Ìÿ¼Ì] ½ù¼ÿmÃS¼, y½P¼r¼: ¬¼È½[¼t¼ 15 +15 öÈ[¼ Š¼°¼Ìº¼¼Ì •¼Ìm

closed from Thursday, 22nd September, 2022 to Wednesday, 28TH

September, 2022 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of the AGM to be held

4) ¬x¼¼¡¼• ½û¼ÿKt¼ ]Ì ¬¡¼t¼Zw¼ Š¼i¼‡¼Â @¼Ì‡¼.@¼Ì. ]û¼Â‡¼ †¼•¼¡¼Ì Ì, ]̇¼¼Ì ¬¼ù¼ Šÿ¼¼Ìh 10/@¼Ì, ]̇¼Æ P¼Ìw¼öº¼ @¼¼£¼•Ì 70642.59

on Wednesday, 28th September, 2022 at 05.00 P.M.

[¼¼Ì.û¼Âh¬¼™ Ì, @¼Ì@¼Ìû¼¬¼Â ¬¼ù¼ Šÿ¼¼Ìh ‡¼Z. 10/@¼Ì/Š¼Â+/3/2, P¼Ìw¼öº¼ @¼¼£¼•Ì 19084.40 [¼¼Ì.û¼Âh¬¼™ Ì, Š¼œ¼ü¼¡¼Ìh Šÿ¼¼Ìh ‡¼Z. ù¼Â,

6. The company is pleased to provide all its members (holding shares both in

physical and in electronic form) the facility to exercise their vote through remote

P¼Ìw¼öº¼ @¼¼£¼•Ì 6590.52 [¼¼Ì.û¼Âh¬¼™, ¬¼ù¼ Šÿ¼¼Ìh ‡¼Z. ù¼Â/2, P¼Ìw¼öº¼ @¼¼£¼•Ì 1846.21 [¼¼Ì.û¼Âh¬¼™ Ì.

e-voting to be provided by National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL).

Š¼ÐK Š¼½¥¼û¼Â ½y£¼¼‡¼Â ]û¼Â‡¼ ]̇¼Æ P¼Ìw¼öº¼ @¼¼£¼•Ì 1210.21 [¼¼Ì.û¼Âh¬¼™ Ì, ]̇¼¼Ì ö¼A‡¼ÿ¼ Šÿ¼¼Ìh ‡¼Z. 10/@¼Ì/Š¼Â Ì ö¼A‡¼ÿ¼ Šÿ¼¼Ìh

Members of the company holding shares in physical or dematerialized from as

‡¼Z. 10/@¼Ì/Š¼Â/3‡¼ÆZ ¬¼ù¼ ½m¡¼Âd‡¼, P¼Ìw¼öº¼ @¼¼£¼•Ì 36082 [¼¼Ì.û¼Âh¬¼™, hÂ.Š¼Â. ¬KÂû¼ ‡¼Z. 10 Q¼¼t¼Ì û¼¼Ì]Ì •Q¼Âü¼¼ÿ¼ (¬¼Âû¼)û¼¼Z

on cut-off date i.e. Wednesday, 21st September, 2022 may cast their votes

@¼¼¡¼Ìÿ¼ Ì, t¼¼ÿ¼ÆK¼Ì û¼r¼Â‡¼S¼• ‡¼¼Í†¼r¼Â ½]Ÿ¼¼Ì @¼‡¼Ì Š¼Ìh¼ ½]Ÿ¼¼Ì @¼û¼y¼¡¼¼y-7 (@¼¼Ìp¡¼) ½¬¼•Â. ‡¼Z. 6179, 01.06.2018 °Ìkº¼

through remote e-voting. The remote e-voting shall commence on Sunday,

[¼t¼Æ:¬¼Âû¼¼: Š¼È¡¼™: Š¼œ¼ü¼¡¼Ìh Šÿ¼¼Ìh ‡¼Z. ù¼Â/2‡¼Â ]û¼Â‡¼ (¬¼Æ†¼¼•Ìÿ¼¼ Šÿ¼¼‡¼ ùÿ¼¼ÌK ‡¼Z. @¼Ìö+_ @¼‡¼Æ¬¼¼•), Š¼½¥¼û¼: Š¼Ìh¼ Šÿ¼¼Ìh ‡¼Z. @¼Ì

25th September, 2022 (9.00am) and ends on Tuesday, 27th September,

2022 (5.00 pm).

(ù¼¼S¼ù¼¼‡¼ •Ì½¬¼m‡¬¼Â t¼•ÂKÌ ^r¼Ât¼¼Ì), Eu¼•: 12 û¼Âh•‡¼¼Ì hÂ.Š¼Â. •¼Ìm, y½P¼r¼: Š¼Ìh¼ Šÿ¼¼Ìh ‡¼Z. ù¼Â/1.

  1. M/s. A SHAH & ASSOCIATES, Practicing Company Secretaries (FCS- 4713/ CP NO- 6560) has been appointed as Scrutinizer to scrutinize the remote E- voting process voting at the AGM in fair and transparent manner.
  2. The members attending the meeting who have not casted their vote by remote e-voting will be eligible to cast their vote through e-voting during the AGM. Members who have casted their votes by remote e-voting prior to the meeting may attend the meeting but shall not be entitled to cast their vote again. The cut- off date (i.e. record date) for the purpose of remote e-voting is Wednesday, 21st September, 2022.
  3. Only those members who have registered themselves as a speaker before 7 days of AGM will be allowed to express their views/ask questions during the AGM.
  4. Any person who acquires shares of the company and becomes member of the company after the dispatch of the Notice and holding shares as of the "cut-off date" i.e Friday, 02nd September, 2022 may obtain the login ID and password by sending a request at evoting@nsdl.co.in . However, if the member is already registered with NSDL for remote e-voting then the existing user ID and password can be used for remote e-voting.
  5. For the process and manner of remote e-voting, members may go through the remote e-voting instructions sent via e-mail to the members whose e-mail IDS are registered with the Company / Depository Participant and physical copy sent to the other members or visit NSDL website www.evoting.nsdl.com.
  6. In case of any queries, you may refer the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Shareholders and e-voting user manual for Shareholders available at the download section of www.evoting.nsdl.com or call on toll free no.: 1800 1020 990 and 1800 22 44 30 or send a request to Mr. Sachin Kareliya at evoting@nsdl.co.in.


(Formerly Known as Trans Financial Resources Limited)




t¼¼•ÂQ¼ : 30.08.2022

¬¼½°/ @¼½†¼KÊu¼ @¼½†¼K¼•Â

DATE: 30.08.2022

DIRECTOR (DIN- 06920281)

¬x¼º¼: Kÿ¼¼ù¼Æ•¼S¼Â

K̇¼Ì•¼ ù¼Ì‡K


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Aarti Industries Ltd. published this content on 31 August 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 31 August 2022 13:00:04 UTC.