Shogo Ikeuchi
Directeur/Bestuurslid bij SONY FINANCIAL HOLDINGS INC.
Shogo Ikeuchi is lid van de raad van bestuur van Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. en Sony Financial Holdings, Inc.
Actieve functies van Shogo Ikeuchi
Bedrijven | Functie | Begin |
SONY FINANCIAL HOLDINGS INC. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | 01-06-2019 |
ANYMIND GROUP INC. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | 01-04-2020 |
JSR CORPORATION | Directeur/Bestuurslid | 01-06-2024 |
JIC Capital Ltd. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | 01-09-2020 |
Eerdere bekende functies van Shogo Ikeuchi
Bedrijven | Functie | Einde |
RECRUIT HOLDINGS CO., LTD | Hoofd Techniek/Wetenschap/O&O | 01-04-2017 |
Beklede functies
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven
Bedrijven in privébezit
Eerstegraads connecties
Bedrijven verbonden in de eerste graad
Verwante bedrijven
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven | 2 |
RECRUIT HOLDINGS CO., LTD | Technology Services |
ANYMIND GROUP INC. | Technology Services |
Bedrijven in privébezit | 3 |
Sony Financial Group, Inc.
Sony Financial Group, Inc. Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Sony Financial Holdings, Inc. engages in the management control of its subsidiaries which are in the insurance and financial services. Its operations are carried out through the following segments: Life Insurance, Non-Life Insurance, and Banking Business. The Life Insurance segment provides customized life insurance products through life planners (sales employees) and partners (recruitment agencies). The Non-Life Insurance segment offers automobile insurance and medical insurance. The Banking Business segment deals with local and foreign currency deposits, housing loans, investment trust, and foreign exchange margin transactions. It also handles variable annuity products. The company was founded on April 1, 2004 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. | Finance |
JIC Capital Ltd. | Finance |
JSR Corp.
JSR Corp. SemiconductorsElectronic Technology JSR Corp. engages in the manufacture and sale of synthetic rubber and fine chemical materials. It operates through the following segments: Elastomers, Synthetic Resin, Digital Solution, Life Science and Others. The Elastomers segment produces and merchandises general purpose synthetic rubber for automobile tires, special high performance rubber for automotive components, thermoplastic elastomers for plastic enhancements, and emulsion for paper coating. The Synthetic Resin segment manufactures and sells Acrylonitrile, Butadiene, and Styrene (ABS) plastic for office automation equipment and amusement application. The Digital Solution segment produces and markets semiconductor, display, and optical materials. The Life Science segment handles diagnostics, research reagents and related materials, and bio process manufacturing and development consignment. The Others segment covers lithium ion capacitor business. The company was founded on December 8, 1948 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. | Electronic Technology |