
Mr. Richard J.
Field is Chief Risk Officer at Aviva Investors Global Services Ltd.
He joined the investment industry in 2001, Aviva in 2007 and Aviva Investors in May 2008.
He is responsible for leading the global Compliance, Investment Risk and Business Risk functions, acting as a challenging partner to the business and ensuring that Aviva’s risk management framework is implemented within Aviva Investors.
For much of 2010 he was interim CEO for Aviva Investors North America.
His prior career includes senior management roles within major financial institutions and time working as a freelance consultant with projects in retirement strategy and generic financial advice.
At Abbey, Mr. Field was responsible for management of the insurance business.
He was director of the portfolio management group and subsequently director of product management at Prudential Insurance in the UK.
At National Australia Bank, he helped to set up National Australia Life in the UK, later becoming its CEO.
He is a trustee director of Aviva Staff Pension Scheme, and was previously a trustee of the UK retirement schemes at Prudential and at NAB.
Mr. Field is a qualified Actuary, holds an MA in Mathematics from Oxford University and completed an MBA at London Business School in 1991.

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Director of Investments 12-08-2011
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