Krzysztof Glowacki

Krzysztof Glowacki

Econoom bij Centrum Analiz Spoleczno-Ekonomicznych (Research Firm)


Mr. Krzysztof Glowacki is an Economist at Centrum Analiz Spoleczno-Ekonomicznych.
He joined the firm in 2016.
He is a member of the CASE research team, co-author of economic reports, and editor of CASE’s official bulletin showCASE.
Previously, Mr. Glowacki worked as a Junior Financial Analyst at Capgemini, Corporate Actions Team at Cracow from 2011 to 2012 in the Audit Department of the Cracow City Hall.
He was a Project Leader in Alcochem Minerals, Utrecht from 2012 to 2014.
Mr. Glowacki is engaged as a Researcher and Scientific Leader in a number of projects carried out for the European Commission and the International Visegrad Fund, including studies on innovativeness.
Among others, he actively participates in the project Effectiveness of tax incentives for venture capital and business angels to foster the investment of SMEs and start-ups for DG TAXUD and has been involved in the application phase of the project Ex-Ante Evaluation of Financial Instruments for the Operational Programme “Digital Poland”.
His bachelor thesis, The Impact of National Legislation on the Industry-Academia Partnership in Poland, was a detailed analysis of Polish regulations on higher education and science from the perspective of cooperation between businesses and universities.
Mr. Glowacki holds a Double BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences major in Business and Management and Law in Europe from the Tilburg University in 2014, earned his MSc Economic and Social Sciences from the Bocconi University in 2014 and an Erasmus exchange from the University of Antwerp, Faculty of Applied Economic Sciences in 2011.

Actieve functies van Krzysztof Glowacki

Centrum Analiz Spoleczno-Ekonomicznych (Research Firm) Econoom 01-01-2016
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