Jeffrey Munger

Jeffrey Munger

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Mr. Munger joined Kennedy in February 2008.
With over a decade of experience in commercial real estate research, he has comprehensive knowledge of U.S.
property, economic, and capital markets.
He was previously with Washington Mutual in Seattle where he led the planning and execution of strategic industry and market research across all business lines in the commercial real estate group.
Prior to joining Washington Mutual, Mr. Munger led the research teams at the Lionstone Group and Holliday Fenoglio Fowler, both in Houston, Texas.
He conducted in-depth analysis of economic, demographic, and real estate trends of major metropolitan areas across the nation, supporting over $9 billion worth of debt placement, investment sales, and acquisition activity for these companies.
In addition, while working at American General Corporation earlier in his career, Mr. Munger was responsible for producing economic and absorption forecasts used in the land-use planning and development phasing of large mixed-use communities in Texas, Arizona, and California.
Mr. Munger graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Urban Studies and earned a Master of Science degree in Real Estate and Land Development from Texas A&M University.
Mr. Munger is active within the Urban Land Institute and many real estate research organizations

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Directeur van Onderzoek - Eigen Vermogen -
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