Jan van der Bijl

Jan van der Bijl

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75 jaar
Distribution Services


Mr. Jan is joint secretary and head of Group Taxation of Unilever NV since July 2001.
He joined Unilever in August 1987.
In 1974 he joined the Dutch Ministry of Finance where he worked in several departments for 10 years.
He joined Unilever in August 1987 where he became a member of Unilever's Tax Executive.
He was appointed head of Corporate Tax Department in March 2000.
In July 2001 he was appointed joint secretary and head of Group Taxation.
He is chairman of the Fiscal Affairs Group of the Union of European Industrial and Employers' Confederations and of the tax committee of the European Round Table and tax committees of the Dutch Federation of Industry (VNO-NCW) and treasurer of the International Fiscal Association (IFA).

Eerdere bekende functies van Jan van der Bijl

UNILEVER N.V. Comptroller/Controller/Auditor -
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  3. Jan van der Bijl
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