Gary Flint Holloway

Gary Flint Holloway

Geen lopende functies

Consumer Services


Mr. Gary F.
Holloway is Co-Founder & Senior Advisor at Five Mile Capital Partners LLC.
Prior to co-founding Five Mile in 2003, he spent 15 years at Greenwich Capital Markets/Greenwich NatWest Securities, retiring in 2001 as Chairman of Greenwich Capital.
During this period, Greenwich Capital grew from a virtual start-up to one of the premier investment banks in the fields of fixed income securities and structured products.
Mr. Holloway served as Co-CEO and a Greenwich Capital Markets board member for the majority of this time period.
He began his career at the First Boston Corporation in 1980.
Mr. Holloway holds an MBA from the Colgate Darden School of the University of Virginia and a BA from Washington and Lee University.

Eerdere bekende functies van Gary Flint Holloway

Corporate Officer/Principal 31-12-2002
First Boston Corp. Corporate Officer/Principal -
Oprichter -
Ervaring van Gary Flint Holloway in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Gary Flint Holloway

University of Virginia Masters Business Admin
Washington & Lee University Undergraduate Degree

Beklede functies



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Ervaring van Gary Flint Holloway in detail bekijken

Verwante bedrijven

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First Boston Corp.



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