Casey Birtwell

Casey Birtwell

Geen lopende functies

Commercial Services
Technology Services
Consumer Services


Casey Birtwell held several positions in different firms throughout his career.
He was a Managing Director at BearingPoint, Inc., an SVP & GM-Advertiser Technology Group at Xandr, Inc., and a Consultant at Accenture LLP.
He also served as Vice President-Product & Solutions at HII Mission Driven Innovative Government Solutions, Inc. from 2008 to 2013, and as Vice President-Strategy & Operations at Avaya Global Services.
Additionally, he was a General Manager at The Firm Advantage, Inc. Birtwell obtained his undergraduate degree from Babson College.

Eerdere bekende functies van Casey Birtwell

Corporate Officer/Principal -
The Firm Advantage, Inc. Corporate Officer/Principal -
Corporate Officer/Principal -
Corporate Officer/Principal -
Avaya Global Services Corporate Officer/Principal -
Ervaring van Casey Birtwell in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Casey Birtwell

Babson College Undergraduate Degree

Beklede functies



Beursgenoteerde bedrijven

Bedrijven in privébezit

Ervaring van Casey Birtwell in detail bekijken

Verwante bedrijven

Bedrijven in privébezit6

Commercial Services

Technology Services

Commercial Services

Technology Services

Avaya Global Services

The Firm Advantage, Inc.

  1. Beurs
  2. Insiders
  3. Casey Birtwell
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