Alex Leibovich

Alex Leibovich

Geen lopende functies

Electronic Technology
Consumer Services
Technology Services


Mr. Alex Leibovich is Vice President of Sales for Xponent Photonics, Inc. Prior to joining Xponent, he was Vice President of Sales for Cortina Systems.
Previously, he held various senior sales, marketing and business development positions at Pine Photonics Communications, Inc., Auroranetics, Inc., Ortel, Picolight, Inc. and Tyco Electronics Ltd.
Mr. Leibovich received an MBA from the University of California, Los Angeles, an MS degree in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University and a BS degree in Engineering and Applied Science from the California Institute of Technology.

Eerdere bekende functies van Alex Leibovich

Corporate Officer/Principal -
Tyco Electronics Ltd. /Automotive Radar Sensors Business/ Corporate Officer/Principal -
Corporate Officer/Principal -
Corporate Officer/Principal -
Corporate Officer/Principal -
Ervaring van Alex Leibovich in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Alex Leibovich

Stanford University Graduate Degree
University of California, Los Angeles Masters Business Admin
California Institute of Technology Undergraduate Degree

Beklede functies



Beursgenoteerde bedrijven

Bedrijven in privébezit

Ervaring van Alex Leibovich in detail bekijken

Verwante bedrijven

Bedrijven in privébezit8

Electronic Technology

Technology Services

Pine Photonics Communications, Inc.

Electronic Technology

Electronic Technology

Electronic Technology

Electronic Technology

Electronic Technology

Tyco Electronics Ltd. /Automotive Radar Sensors Business/

Electronic Technology

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  3. Alex Leibovich
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