
Foto Toshihiro Ozawa
Toshihiro Ozawa

Momenteel bekleedt Toshihiro Ozawa de functie van accountant bij Persol Professional Outsourcing Co. Ltd. Hij is tevens lid van de raad van bestuur van PERSOL Holdings Co., Ltd. en Sun Asterisk, Inc. In zijn vorige loopbaan bekleedde hij de functie van Chief Information Officer & Executive Officer bij USEN Corp.

Foto Yoshiro Ozawa
Yoshiro Ozawa

Yoshiro Ozawa has worked at Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
since 1985.
He currently holds the position of Director, which he started in 2018.

Foto Motoyuki Ozawa
Motoyuki Ozawa

Motoyuki Ozawa held the position of Outside Director at Fujitsu Broad Solution & Consulting, Inc. and Senior Vice President at Fujitsu Ltd.
in 2014.

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