
Foto Keiichi Yumita
Keiichi Yumita

Keiichi Yumita bekleedt de functie van hoofd informatiesystemen bij Toshiba Corp. Hij zit ook in de raad van bestuur van Toshiba Digital Solutions Corp.

Foto Hachihei Yumita
Hachihei Yumita

Hachihei Yumita currently works at Yumita Kensetsu KK, as President & Representative Director.

Foto Keiichi Mori
Keiichi Mori

Keiichi Mori is currently the President & Representative Director at Focus Systems Corp.
He graduated from Keio University with an undergraduate degree in 1989.

Foto Keiichi Asai
Keiichi Asai

Keiichi Asai served as the President, CEO & Representative Director at KH Neochem Co., Ltd.
from 2014 to 2019.
He also worked as an Executive Officer at Mitsubishi Corp.
and as a Director at Manila Water Co., Inc. As for his education, he received his undergraduate degree from the University of Tokyo in 1978.

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