
Foto Brian Tilzer
Brian Tilzer

Brian Tilzer is lid van de raad van bestuur van Mass Technology Leadership Council, Inc. en Signet Jewelers Ltd. en Chief Digital & Technology Officer bij Best Buy Co., Inc. In het verleden bekleedde hij de functie van Senior Vice President-Ecommerce bij Staples, Inc., Chief Digital Officer & Senior Vice President bij CVS Health Corp. en Senior VP-Strategy & Business Development bij Linens 'n Things, Inc. De heer Tilzer behaalde een bachelor aan de Tufts University en een MBA aan The Wharton School van de Universiteit van Pennsylvania.

Foto Todd Tilzer
Todd Tilzer

Todd Tilzer is the founder of Wolfram Cos.
He is currently a Managing Director at Morningside Investment Advisors LLC and Leyline Renewable Capital LLC.
Previously, he worked as a Managing Director at Walker & Dunlop Investment Partners Inc, Director at Republic Financial Corp., Director at Summit Investment Management Ltd., and Account Manager at CareerBuilder, Inc. He holds an undergraduate degree from Bradley University and an MBA from the University of Colorado Denver.

Foto Lowell Lynn Tilzer
Lowell Lynn Tilzer

Lowell Lynn Tilzer is the founder of TVAX Biomedical, Inc. (founded in 2011) where he holds the title of Independent Director starting in 2012.
Dr. Tilzer's current job(s) include Chairman-Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at the University of Kansas (since 2004) and Secretary at The University of Kansas Physicians, Inc. Dr. Tilzer's former job includes Chief Executive Officer-Southwest Region at The American National Red Cross.
Dr. Tilzer's education history includes undergraduate and doctorate degrees from the University of Kansas.

Foto Brian

Brian currently works at Midwest Conveyor Products, Inc., as Operations Manager.

Foto Brian Hedges
Brian Hedges

Brian R.
is currently serving as Vice Chairman at Metals Service Center Institute since 2013.
He is also an Independent Director at Russel Metals, Inc. since 1994 and at Black Diamond Group Ltd.
since 2021.
Additionally, he holds the position of Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President at Acier Leroux, Inc. In his former roles, Mr. Hedges served as an Independent Director at Zekelman Industries, Inc. He also held the positions of President, Chief Executive & Financial Officer at Gandalf Technologies, Inc. and Chief Financial Officer at Teleglobe, Inc.Mr. Hedges completed his undergraduate degree at Carleton University.

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