EML Consultants PLC maakt de benoeming bekend van Karnasena Hettiarachchi tot voorzitter. Opleiding: M.Sc. KU Leuven, België 1986.

B.Sc, Hons. Engineering Universiteit van Peradeniya 1977. Lidmaatschap van beroepsverenigingen: FIE IESL, Chartered Engineer; Fellow of Institution of Management.

Lid Institute of Environmental Professional, Chartered Environmentalist. Andere relevante kwalificaties: Geregistreerd jurylid van IESL en CIDA. Ervaring in de specifieke rol: Village Irrigation Rehabilitation Project Madulla Division Irrigation Engineer 1980-82; Kiridi Oya Project Construction of the Dam Resident Engineer 1982-84; Irrigation Systems Management Project Kaudulla Division Irrigation Engineer 1987-89; Nilwala Flood Control Project Chief Resident Engineer 1989; Research Associate International Water Management Institute 1989-93; Chief Resident Engineer Kirindi Oya Project 1993-94; Chief Engineer National Irrigation Rehabilitation Project 1994-95; Consultant civiele techniek Flood Control Project 1995-1996; Project Director Clean Settlement Project 1996-97; Project Director Urban Developmnet and Low Income Housing Project 1998-99; Senior Project Specialist JBIC 1999-2010; Voorzitter GSMB 2000-2002; Voorzitter Foreign Employment Bureau 2004-2005; Voorzitter CEA 2005-2007; Voorzitter SLLRDC 2007-2010; Voorzitter NWSDB 2010-2014; Secretary Urban Development and Water 2015; Secretary Defense 2015-2017; Ambassadeur in Duitsland 2017-2020.