
Mr. Wood has over 17 years of international experience in the mining and finance industry working for industry consultants, major mining companies and investment banking operations.
He holds a bachelors degree in Geophysical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines and an MBA from the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business.
After his graduation from the Colorado School of Mines, Mr. Wood joined Steffen Robertson and Kirsten (SRK) as a geotechnical and rock mechanics engineer, first in the USA where he was primarily involved in the engineering and permitting for mining projects in the western USA before moving to SRK in Johannesburg were he worked throughout sub Saharan Africa.
After leaving SRK Mr. Wood focused on exploration working as a geophysicist for JCI, Anglo American and deBeers exploring for gold, diamonds, platinum, coal and base metal deposits throughout Africa, North and South America and Asia.
In 1996, Mr. Wood moved into finance working as a mining analyst for HSBC Simpson-McKee in Johannesburg, South Africa researching the global platinum, gold, and diamonds sectors and analyzing mining and exploration companies operating throughout Africa.
Prior to joining RCF Management in 2003, Mr. Wood was with Genbel Securities in South Africa involved primarily in the financing of mining and resource projects throughout sub Saharan Africa before moving to Europe where he helped establish Gensec's merchant banking operation in Dublin, Ireland.

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Private Equity Investor 17-05-2005
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