Jeffrey Block

Jeffrey Block

Geen lopende functies

Technology Services
Consumer Services
Commercial Services


Jeffrey Block is a Director of The Gabriel Management Group.
His responsibilities are the analysis and creation of business and technology based methodologies and processes that are designed to maximize the effectiveness of our firm and portfolio companies.
Mr. Block has ten years of experience in information technology.
He has provided software architectural and professional consulting services to companies in various industries.
His specialty is developing solutions for both privately held firms and large public companies, with a focus on technology leadership, process improvement and educational services.
As a regional training leader for an international software company, he developed courseware and conducted live training on such diverse topics as enterprise and application architectures, customer interaction and software development methodology.
Mr. Block holds a Bachelor of Science from the Engineering College of the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.

Eerdere bekende functies van Jeffrey Block

Consultant / Advisor 30-06-2023
Private Equity Investor 31-03-2014
Private Equity Investor 31-12-2009
Private Equity Investor 31-03-2008
Consultant / Advisor 31-05-2002
Ervaring van Jeffrey Block in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Jeffrey Block

Trinity International University Graduate Degree
University of Illinois Undergraduate Degree

Beklede functies



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Ervaring van Jeffrey Block in detail bekijken


100 +

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Persoonlijk netwerk weergeven

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Bedrijven in privébezit7

Technology Services

Technology Services

Crowe, Chizek & Co. LLC

Commercial Services

Technology Services


Technology Services

Technology Services

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  3. Jeffrey Block