
He is the President and Chief Executive Officer Officer of the Crocus Investment Fund, a position he has held since the Fund’s inception in 1992.
As CEO, he has been responsible for successfully guiding the growth of the Fund from its initial public offering in 1992 to an established venture capital corporation with 40 employees, over $173 million in assets, and investments in more than 50 Manitoba businesses.
Crocus is a trusted investment vehicle to more than 32,000 Manitobans.
Mr. Kreiner has worked extensively with business, labour unions, and state and provincial governments, in developing strategies for labour capital formation and employee ownership.
A leader and authority on employee ownership, he has written and lectured extensively on this subject throughout North America.
In 1999, he received the Ohio Employee Ownership Leadership Award from the Ohio Employee Ownership Center at Kent State University in recognition of a lifelong commitment to worker ownership and pioneering work combining regional investment funds with employee ownership.
Prior to joining the Crocus Fund, Mr. Kreiner had over fifteen years experience in the strategic development of employee ownership and related investment banking, business planning and legal structural design.
This included the creation of a Philadelphia-based consulting group developing employee-owner companies, including assisting in the creation of an ownership strategy for a major food chain, which ensured the maintenance of 24,000 jobs.
For this work he was selected to the 1986 Esquire Magazine Register of "Men and Women Under 40 Who are Changing the Nation".
Mr. Kreiner is a graduate of Swathmore College as well as a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

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President 31-12-2004
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