Dustin Finer

Dustin Finer

Chief Administrative Officer bij COVETRUS, INC.

55 jaar
Consumer Services
Technology Services
Commercial Services


Dustin K. Finer is Chief Administrative Officer bij Covetrus, Inc. In zijn vorige carrière was de heer Finer Associate bij Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, Operations Chief & Executive Vice President bij MySpace, Inc, Chief Administrative & Internal Operations Officer bij TiVo Corp, Senior Vice President-Human Resources bij Gemstar-TV Guide International, Inc, Senior Vice President-Global Human Resources bij Ascent Media Group LLC, Senior Vice President-Human Resources bij Fox Interactive Media, Inc, en Executive Vice President-Human Resources bij Rovi Corp. Dustin K. Finer behaalde een doctoraal aan de Universiteit van Californië San Diego en een doctoraal aan de Mcgeorge School of Law.

Actieve functies van Dustin Finer

COVETRUS, INC. Chief Administrative Officer 16-12-2019
Alle actieve functies van Dustin Finer

Eerdere bekende functies van Dustin Finer

TIVO CORPORATION Chief Administrative Officer 01-07-2018
Chief Operating Officer 01-09-2011
Human Resources Officer 01-06-2009
Human Resources Officer 05-05-2008
Human Resources Officer 01-04-2006
Ervaring van Dustin Finer in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Dustin Finer

University of California San Diego Undergraduate Degree
Mcgeorge School of Law Graduate Degree

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Commercial Services

Consumer Services

Consumer Services

Consumer Services

Commercial Services

Technology Services

Technology Services

Technology Services

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  3. Dustin Finer