Uitgebreid zoeken
Naam | Mnemo | Beurs | Gemiddeld volume (M$) | Koers | Type | |
BJÖRN BORG AB | BORG | Nasdaq Stockholm +3 Andere | 8 401 | 59,48SEK![]() | Aandeel | |
BJÖRN BORG AB | 6BB | Börse Stuttgart | - | 5,230EUR![]() | ||
BJÖRN BORG AB | 6BB | Deutsche Boerse AG | - | 5,230EUR![]() | ||
Nieuws (30)
Bedrijven (2)
Bjorn Borg AB is een in Zweden gevestigd bedrijf dat actief is in de mode-industrie. Het bedrijf is eigenaar en ontwikkelaar van het merk Bjorn Borg, dat gespecialiseerd is in ondergoed voor vrouwen, mannen en kinderen. De bedrijfsactiviteiten bestaan uit ...
Svolder AB is een in Zweden gevestigde beleggingstrust die zich bezighoudt met investeringen in de aandelen van kleine en middelgrote Zweedse ondernemingen. De beleggingsportefeuille bestaat uit bedrijven die actief zijn binnen verschillende sectoren en p ...

Bjorn Annwall is momenteel Chief Financial Officer bij Volvo Car AB. In het verleden bekleedde hij de functie van Senior Partner bij McKinsey & Co, Inc. en Senior VP-Marketing, Sales & Service bij Volvo Car Group. De heer Annwall is afgestudeerd aan de Stockholm School of Economics.

Björn Tönne is currently the Chief Information Officer at Stillfront Group AB since 2023.
Prior to this, he worked as an Engineering Director at Klarna, Inc., Head-Operations at International Business Machines Corp., and Senior Vice President at EVRY AB.
He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Utah.

Momenteel is Bjrn Bauer Managing Director bij Relias Learning GmbH en Chief Financial Officer van RTL Group SA. De heer Bauer is tevens lid van de raad van bestuur van Mtropole Tlvision SA en RTL Nederland Holding BV en manager van RTL Group GmbH (Keulen). In zijn vorige carrière was de heer Bauer Chief Financial Officer bij Relias LLC. Hij behaalde zijn doctoraal aan de EBS Universitt fr Wirtschaft und Recht gGmbH.

De heer Bjrn Gulden is voorzitter bij Salling Group A/S en Chief Executive Officer bij PUMA SE. Hij zit in de Raad van Bestuur van Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA en Tchibo GmbH. De heer Gulden was voorheen werkzaam als Lid-Raad van Commissarissen bij Pandora AS, Managing Director bij Deichmann SE, Senior Vice President-Apparel & Accessories bij Adidas France SARL, Lid-Raad van Bestuur bij Kering SA, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer bij Off Broadway Shoes, Inc. en Chairman & Chief Executive Officer bij Rack Room Shoes, Inc. Hij was ook lid van de raad van bestuur van Ekornes AS en Power International AS. Hij behaalde zijn doctoraal aan de Universiteit van Stavanger en een MBA aan de F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business.

Björn Krönert is currently the Co-Managing Director at Heckler & Koch GmbH.
Previously, he worked as the Chief Financial Officer at Gienanth GmbH.
He also held the position of Chief Financial Officer at H&K AG from 2018 to 2023.

Bjrn Rosengren is een zakenman die aan het roer heeft gestaan van 27 verschillende bedrijven. Momenteel is hij voorzitter van Italian Path AB, voorzitter van Norsk-Svenska Handelskammaren, voorzitter van Fastator AB, voorzitter & partner van Priority Group AB, voorzitter van Smart Parkering Sverige AB, voorzitter van Yump Sverige AB, voorzitter van Priority Strategy Stockholm New York AB, voorzitter van Point Properties AB, Voorzitter van Smart Parkering Fastigheter Sverige AB, Voorzitter van Smart Trademark Sverige AB, Voorzitter van Smart Parkering Sverige Holding AB, Voorzitter van Ohin Service AB, Voorzitter van Copine Holding AB, Voorzitter van Offentliga Hus i Norden AB en Voorzitter van Studentbostder i Sverige AB. Hij is tevens voorzitter van de Kamer van Koophandel van Zweden en Noorwegen, adjunct-directeur van Black Rosebud AB, adjunct-directeur van Forsman Invest AB en adjunct-directeur van Peacock Retail AB en zit in de raad van bestuur van 8 andere ondernemingen. In het verleden was Bjrn Rosengren voorzitter van de iZafe Group AB, voorzitter van Strangnas Fargbutik AB, voorzitter van Auktoritet Inkasso AB, voorzitter van Transvoice AB, voorzitter van Future Tcb Tech AB, voorzitter van Medtalent AB, voorzitter van The Talent Group AB, adjunct-directeur van Amfa Ekonomi AB, adjunct-directeur van Amfa Holding AB, voorzitter van Previa AB, voorzitter van Transvoice Sweden AB, voorzitter van Studentbostder i Sverige AB en voorzitter van Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations.

Bjorn Hofman bekleedt de positie van Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President bij Avantor, Inc. In het verleden bekleedde hij de positie van Business Director-EMEA Region bij Celanese Corp. en Senior Vice President-Advanced Technologies bij Merck KGaA. De heer Hofman behaalde een graad aan de Technische Universiteit Delft.

Bjorn B. Thaler bekleedt de functie van Chief Financial Officer bij 1Life Healthcare, Inc. Daarvoor was hij Senior Vice President bij CVS Health Corp. en Vice President bij Aetna, Inc. (een dochteronderneming van CVS Health Corp.). De heer Thaler behaalde een diploma aan de Universiteit van Wenen, een graduaat aan de Vienna University of Economics & Business en een MBA aan de Darla Moore School of Business.

Björn Mannerqvist is the founder of M.O.B.A.
Network AB, which was founded in 2018.
He is currently the Chief Executive Officer & Director at Phase One Performance AB, Chairman at Safe Lane Gaming AB, Director at Ayima Ltd., Director at Digital Spine AB, Deputy Director at Tourn Media AB, and Director at Viis Tek Media OÜ.
In his former positions, Mr. Mannerqvist served as the Chief Executive Officer & Director at Fable Media Group AB from 2017 to 2018, Director at Tourn International AB, Director at FastOut Int.
AB, Director at Orgo Tech AB from 2016 to 2020, Director & Operations Director at Ayima Nordic AB, and Independent Director at Ayima Group AB from 2017 to 2024.

Bjrn Rici Andersen bekleedt de functie van Senior VP-Group Operations & Technology bij Rockwool International A. In het verleden was de heer Andersen Chief Operating Officer bij H+H International A, Vice President-Production & Environment bij Rockwool International An en Managing Director bij Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Helsingor A. De heer Andersen behaalde een MBA aan de Henley Business School Ltd.

Niels Bjrn Christiansen is een zakenman die aan het hoofd heeft gestaan van 8 verschillende bedrijven. Momenteel is hij voorzitter van Demant A, voorzitter van Vacon Oy, voorzitter van Axcel Industriinvestor A, Chief Executive Officer van Danfoss Acquisition, Inc, Chief Executive Officer van LEGO An en President & Chief Executive Officer van LEGO System A. Hij zit ook in de raad van bestuur van de Technische Universiteit van Denemarken, Danmark-Amerika Fondet, William Demant Fonden en Provinsindustriens Arbejdsgiverforening. In het verleden bekleedde hij de functie van President & Chief Executive Officer van Danfoss A, Executive Vice President bij GN Store Nord An en President & Chief Executive Officer bij GN Audio A (een dochteronderneming van GN Store Nord A) en Vice President-Corporate Development voor Hilti Belgium SA. Hij behaalde een MBA aan INSEAD en een graduaatsdiploma aan de Technische Universiteit van Denemarken.

Jens Bjrn Andersen is een zakenman die aan het roer heeft gestaan van 10 verschillende ondernemingen en de functie bekleedt van Chief Executive Officer van DSV Panalpina An en voorzitter van de raad van commissarissen van DSV Road GmbH, voorzitter van de raad van commissarissen van DSV Air & Sea Holding A, voorzitter van de raad van commissarissen van DSV Solutions Holding A, Chief Executive Officer & Director van Panalpina Welttransport (Holding) AG en lid van de raad van commissarissen van DSV Road Holding A (allemaal dochterondernemingen van DSV Panalpina A). Hij is tevens lid van de raad van bestuur van UTI Worldwide (UK) Ltd., Nordea-Fonden en Childrens Cancer Fund en lid van het Olympisch Sportforum van Danmarks Idrtsforbund. In zijn vorige loopbaan was hij Chief Executive Officer bij DSV Samson Transport A, Branch Manager bij Samson Transport Norge AS, Chief Executive Officer van DSV Road Ltd., Chief Executive Officer bij Postnord Logistics AS, Chief Executive Officer bij DFDS Transport Ltd. en Department Manager bij Samson Transport Co. A.

Bjorn van Reet is currently a Director at Kinepolis Financial Services NV, a Director at Beltug, a Member-Supervisory Board at Ordina NV, and a Member-Supervisory Board at Ordina Belgium.
He previously held positions as Director & Chief Investment Officer at Adecco Group AG, Director at ADM CVBA, and Managing Director at Modis Belgium.
He also served as the Chief Information Officer at Kinepolis Group NV from 2016 to 2023.

Björn Mathias Garat is currently the Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Head-Finance at Sagax AB since 2012.
He is also the Co-Chief Executive Officer at Sagax Holding 1 ApS since 2020.
Additionally, he serves as an Independent Director at Volati AB since 2015.
Mr. Garat's former positions include being a Director at Söderport Göta, Deputy Director at Bastian Holding AB and Temg Holding AB, and Partner & Head-Corporate Finance at Remium Nordic AB.
He obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Linköping.

Bjrn Klas Otto Rosengren is een Zweedse zakenman die aan het hoofd heeft gestaan van 5 verschillende bedrijven. Momenteel is hij Chief Executive Officer bij ABB Ltd. en President & Chief Executive Officer bij Sandvik Hyperion AB. In het verleden was hij President, Chief Executive Officer & Director bij Sandvik Aktiebolag, President & Chief Executive Officer van Wrtsil Oyj Abp, SEVP, President-Construction & Mining Technique bij Atlas Copco AB Division President bij Atlas Copco Craelius AB en Division President bij Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB (beide zijn dochterondernemingen van Atlas Copco AB), General Manager voor Nordhydraulic AB, Marketing Manager bij ESAB AB en Marketing Manager bij ESAB AG. Hij is afgestudeerd aan de Chalmers University of Technology.

Momenteel bekleedt Johan Anders Bjrn Clarin de functie van CEO-Orkla Food Ingredients & Executive VP bij Orkla ASA en Chairman, Chief Executive Officer & Executive VP bij Orkla Food Ingredients AS (een dochteronderneming van Orkla ASA). Daarvoor was hij President & Chief Executive Officer bij MDC Telecom Co, Ltd., President & Chief Executive Officer bij Great Southern Financial Corp., Global Head-Global Manufacturing & Logistics bij Sony Mobile Communications AB en Senior Manager bij Accenture AB. Hij behaalde een diploma aan de Handelshgskolan i Gteborg.

Bjrn Arne Christer Wahlroos is een Fins zakenman die aan het hoofd heeft gestaan van 9 verschillende bedrijven en momenteel voorzitter is van Sampo Oyj en voorzitter van UPM-Kymmene Oyj. Hij is ook lid van de raad van bestuur van Elinkeinoelmn Valtuuskunta EVA ry, Mannerheim Foundation (voormalig voorzitter) en Elinkeinoelmn Tutkimuslaitoksen kannatusyhdistys Ry. Dr. Wahlroos was voorheen voorzitter van Nordea Bank Abp, voorzitter van Nordea Bank AB en EVP & lid van het Uitvoerend Comité bij Merita Pankki Oyj (beide zijn dochterondernemingen van Nordea Bank Abp), vice-voorzitter & Chief Executive Officer bij Mandatum & Co. Oy, voorzitter bij Danske Bank PLC, voorzitter & Chief Executive Officer bij Mandatum Bank Oyj, voorzitter bij Hanken Svenska Handelshgskolan, hoogleraar bij Hanken Svenska Handelshgskolan en hoogleraar aan de Stockholm School of Economics. Bjrn Arne Christer Wahlroos behaalde een bachelor-, een doctoraats- en een doctoraatsdiploma aan de Hanken Svenska Handelshgskolan.

Jan Annwall is the founder of BioGaia AB, which was founded in 1990.
He is currently the Chief Executive Officer & Director at Annwall & Rothschild Investments AB, Deputy Director at Looft Industries AB, and Director at CapAble AB and Konglomeratet AB.
Mr. Annwall's former positions include Director at TwoPac AB, Twopac Laboratories AB, Twopac Machine AB, and TriPac AB, and Non-Independent Director at Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB.
Mr. Annwall received an undergraduate degree from the University of Stockholm.

Mr. Björn Olsson is a Director & Partner at EMA Technology AB.
He is on the Board of Directors at EMA Technology AB.
Mr. Olsson was previously employed as Independent Director by NeoPhotonics Corp., Chief Information Officer by LM Ericsson Telefon AB, and Executive Vice President & Member by Ericsson Group.
He also served on the board at Cinnober Financial Technology AB.
He received his graduate degree from the University of Linköping.

Bjørn Sund served as Vice Chairman at Gassnova SF.
He then worked at DNB ASA as Vice Chairman from 2009 to 2012.
After that, he became Chairman & Managing Director at Advansia AS.
In 2018, he was a Director at Magnora ASA. Sund received his undergraduate degree from the Norwegian University of Science & Technology.

Bjørn Elvestad is currently the Deputy Chairman-Supervisory Board at SpareBank 1 Østfold Akershus, Director at Troll Avviklingsselskapet Av 9.
April 2018 AS, and Director at AS Clipper.
Previously, he worked as a Director at Eiendomsspar AS, Managing Director at DNB Livsforsikring AS, Director at Victoria Eiendom AS, Director at Skeie Capital Investment AS, Director at Santander Consumer Bank AS, and Chief Financial Officer at Skandia Insurance Co. Ltd.

Björn Wilhelm Svanström is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Praktikerinvest AB and the Chief Executive Officer & Director at Novandi Strategy AB.
Previously, he held positions such as Deputy Director at RxEye AB, Group Controller at Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB, and Group Controller at Teleca AB.
He also served as the Chief Financial Officer at Dilafor AB and as a Business Controller at Svenska Handelsbanken AB (Denmark).
Mr. Svanström's education includes an MBA from Stockholm School of Economics.

Björn Westberg currently works at Btb Consult AB, as Chief Executive Officer & Director, Bostadsrattsforeningen Uppland 1, as Director, and SynAct Pharma AB, as Chief Financial Officer from 2023.
Mr. Westberg also formerly worked at AstraZeneca AB, as Finance Director-North European Region in 2001, Recipharm Stockholm AB, as Director, Recipharm Strängnäs AB, as Director, Recipharm Karlskoga AB, as Director, Recipharm Höganäs AB, as Director, CONEQ Control Equipment AB, as Deputy Director, Recipharm (Venture Capital), as Director, RPH Pharmaceuticals AB, as Director, Rph Lberia AB, as Deputy Director, Enea AB, as Chief Financial Officer from 2018 to 2021, Jeeves Information Systems AB, as Chief Financial Officer from 2006 to 2007, Recipharm AB, as Chief Financial Officer & EVP-Investor Relations from 2007 to 2017, BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB, as Chief Financial Officer, Attgeno AB, as Chief Financial Officer, BONE SUPPORT AB, as Chief Financial Officer, Webe Design Handelsbolag, as Partner, and Astra Japan Corp., as Controller.
Mr. Westberg received his graduate degree in 1988 from Linköping Institute of Technology.

Bjorn Riese is currently the Vice Chairman at Swedbank AB.
He is also the Chairman at Mercuri-Urval Holding BV, the Swedish Private Equity & Venture Capital Association, and the Director at Arvid Nordquist HAB, The Foundation MIN STORA DAG, Institutet Mot Mutor, American Chamber of Commerce, Stiftelsen Min Stora Dag, The Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute, Jurie Advokat AB, Mercuri Urval Foundation, and Stiftelsen Mercuri Urval.
He previously served as the Chairman at Axis AB and Axis Communications AB.
Mr. Riese completed his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Stockholm.

Björn Pettersson is the founder of Rapp AB, which was founded in 2015.
He currently holds the position of Director at Alpson Invest AB, Beatstone Invest AB, Perisoft AB, and Wollenius Invest AB.
Additionally, he is a Financial Advisor & Partner at Von Euler & Partners AB since 2003.
In his former positions, he served as Chairman at Peridot Group AB, Nethouse Sverige AB, and Örebrokompaniet AB.
He also held the position of Director at Precio Fishbone AB from 2005 to 2012 and worked as a Portfolio Manager at Gadd & Co. AB from 2003 to 2011.

Björn Erik Savén is the founder of IK Investment Partners Ltd.
He currently holds the position of Vice Chairman at Dynea International Oy, Deputy Chairman at the British-Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Sweden, Director at Dynea Chemicals Oy, Director at The Trinley Estate Ltd., Vice President at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and Trustee at Tommy's.
In the past, he served as Chairman at Vattenfall AB, Chairman at IK Partners Ltd., Deputy Chairman at Dynea Oy, Chairman at Näsudden Investeringar AB, Independent Director at Nordea Bank AB, Director at Eltel Networks AS, Director at Attendo Sverige AB, Director at Stala Oy, and Director at Attendo Holding AB.
He obtained an MBA from Harvard University in 1976 and completed his undergraduate studies at Stockholm School of Economics.

Björn Nordenvall is currently a Director at Hermelinen Hälsovård AB, Sensia Hälsovård AB, Sirela Sweden AB, Aleris Group AB, and Platform24 AB.
He previously served as President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Oncotelic Therapeutics, Inc. from 1995 to 2002.
He was also the Chief Executive Officer at Sophiahemmet AB from 1987 to 1996 and served as a Director at SciBase Holding AB, InDex Pharmaceuticals Holding AB, Jolife AB, Aleris Sjukvård AB, QuickCool AB, and Curato Holding AS.
Additionally, he was an Independent Director at Ortivus AB from 2015 to 2017.
Dr. Nordenvall holds a doctorate degree from Karolinska Institutet.

Bjørn Lyder Løberg formerly worked at Norse Solutions AS, as Chairman & Chief Financial Officer.
Mr. Løberg received his graduate degree in 1990 from Norwegian School of Economics & Business Administration.

Bjørn Brenna is currently the Chairman of RBBR Invest AS, Director of REC Silicon, Inc., and Director of Mills AS.
He previously worked as a Director at REC Silicon AS, Head-Group Finance at Telenor ASA, and Chief Financial Officer at Orkla Foods AS.
From 2006 to 2012, he was the Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President at REC Silicon ASA. Brenna holds an undergraduate degree and an MBA from BI Norwegian Business School.

Bjørn Ingier is currently the Chairman at Baias AS, Division Director at Visma Software ASA, Director at Listen AS, Director at Husleie.no AS, and Senior Advisor at Spintop Private Service AB.
He previously worked as Director-Growth & Crossales at Visma AS, Managing Director at Multidata A, Director at VilMer AS, and Controller at Dyno ASA. Mr. Ingier obtained his undergraduate degree from the Norwegian School of Economics & Business Administration in 1979.

Björn Wallin is the founder of Unwrap Finance Nordic AB, where he serves as the Chief Executive Officer starting in 2013.
He is also the founder of Recall Capital Group AB.
Currently, Mr. Wallin holds the position of Chief Executive Officer & Director at Unwrap Finance AB.
In the past, he has held the role of President & Chief Executive Officer at Panaxia AB and Chairman at Hoylu AB from 2019 to 2021.

Bjørn Frogner is currently the Director at Hab Bygg AS.
Previously, he worked as the Chief Executive Officer at Infratek AS from 2007 to 2013.
He also held positions as Group Senior Vice President-Technical Services at Hafslund Produksjon Holding AS, Finance Manager at Veidekke ASA, KPMG AS, and Schibsted Trykk AS.
Mr. Frogner is a graduate of BI Norwegian Business School.

Bjørn Stray co-founded Northzone in 1996.
His primary areas of focus are ecommerce, consumer internet, infrastructure, and SaaS.
Bjorn’s portfolio includes Behaviosec, Seriously, Supponor, Sqore, Zervant, and PlayRaven.
Over the years, Bjorn has also invested in Stepstone, Nextgentel, MCP.
Bjørn holds a M.Sc.
in Business Adm./M.Sc.
Economics from NHH in Bergen, Norway

Mr. Björn Stenbäck is Founding Partner at Stenat & Partners AB.
Mr. Stenbäck was previously employed as a Portfolio Manager by Swedbank Robur Fonder AB where he managed the Swedbank Robur Nordic fund.
He started his career in 1982 with a law firm and maintained his legal career until 1987.
He then entered the financial industry with a position as Portfolio Manager at Svenska Handelsbanken.
He holds a law degree from the University of Uppsala.

Björn Jansli is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Gerling-Konzern Versicherungs-Beteiligungs AG.
Previously, he was the Chief Executive Officer at Gerling-Konzern Allgemeine Versicherungs AG and a Director at AmTrust Syndicates Ltd.
He also served as a Director at PARIS Ré Holdings Ltd.
from 2007 to 2011 and as a Director at Albatros Versicherungsdienste GmbH.

Bjorn Jonsson worked as the Head of Private Banking at Kaupthing Bank Luxembourg SA.

Bjørn Dahle is currently the Chairman & Managing Director at BD Trading AS, Chairman at Stolen AS, Chairman at Mento Holding AS, Chairman at Dansefokus AS, Chairman at Vista AS, Chairman at Ryfylke Dampskibsselskab AS, Chairman at Mento Service AS, Chairman at Verksgt.
14 A AS, Chairman at E Berentsen AS, Chairman at Stavanger Oilfield Services AS, Chairman & Managing Director at Otnem Eiendom AS, Chairman at Rotnem AS, Chairman at Vingveien 4 AS, Chairman at Normørsveien 71A AS, Chairman at Verksgt.
12 AS, Chairman at Forum Hotellbygg DA, Chairman at Ferro AS, Director at Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskab AS, Director at Mento AS, Director at Skagenkaien Hotell AS, Director at SR Feeder AS, Director at SR Feeder KS, Managing Director & Director at Forum Hotellinvest AS, Director at Rubberstyle Holding AS, Director at Rubberstyle AS, Director at SR PE-FEEDER II AS, and Director at Sr Pe-Feeder II KS.
He has previously worked as Chairman at Sotnem AS, Director at Scana ASA, Director at Troms Fylkes.
Dampskibsselskap ASA, Director at Ofotens og Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab ASA, Director at Scan One AS, Director at Xait AS, Director at Gena Invest AS, Director at Ks AS Skagen Hotellbygg, and Director at Celcius Invest AS.

Björn Eric Olander is currently the Chairman of SHL Medical AB, CarbGraft AB, Lipid Technologies Provider AB, and Cogmed Systems AB.
He previously served as the Chief Executive Officer of Läkemedelsstatistik AB and Länssparbanken Stockholm.
He also served as the Chairman of DermaGen AB and Omnio Healer AB, and as a Director of Noster System AB and Pergamum AB.
Additionally, he worked as a Research Analyst at Kaupthing Sverige AB and Ålandsbanken Abp (Sweden Broker), and as an Analyst at Redeye AB.

Björn Löwenadler is currently the Director at Adjuvare AB and the Chief Business Officer at Toleranzia AB.
He previously held positions as an Independent Director at Alzinova AB, Director at Agrisera AB, Head of Discovery Sciences at AstraZeneca PLC, Head of Molecular Biology at Pharmacia Corp., Chief Scientific Officer at Arexis AB, and Head of Discovery Research at BioVitrum.
Dr. Löwenadler obtained a doctorate degree from Karolinska Institutet.

Mr. Bjorå has worked for 20 years in venture capital as Managing Director of Teknoinvest Management AS since co-founding the company in 1984.
From 1985 to 1989 he was also the Managing Director of Tandberg AS, which was the predecessor of the current Tandberg and Tandberg Television companies, which have been significant successes before, as well as after, leaving the Teknoinvest portfolio.
Prior to starting Teknoinvest, Mr. Bjorå worked for 6 years as a management consultant with Asbjørn Habberstad AS (currently AT Kearney) and for 12 years in various positions with the ship equipment company Norcontrol, the last 2 years as General Manager.
Mr Bjorå co-founded The Norwegian Venture Capital Association in 2001 and served on its Board of Directors until 2007, in the period 2004-2006 as the Chairman.
He also served in the period 2004 - 2006 as a Member of the Board of The European Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (EVCA).
He has served on the Board of Directors of a number of American and Nordic start-up companies.
Currently he serves as a member of the Board of Directors of OCAS AS and Syntune AB.
Mr. Bjorå is fluent in Norwegian, English and conversational in German.
He holds an M.Sc.
degree in Control Engineering from The Norwegian Institute of Technology ("NTH", currently "NTNU").

Bjorn Moller is currently a Director at American Petroleum Institute, Inc. and a Director at Kattegat Ltd.
He previously held positions as Vice Chairman at Seapeak LLC, Teekay GP LLC, and Teekay Offshore GP LLC.
He was also Chairman at The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd.
and Vice Chairman at Altera Infrastructure LP.
Additionally, he served as an Independent Director at Teekay Corp.
and as a Director at Teekay Tankers Ltd.

Björn Fröling currently works at E.
Öhman J:or AB, as Deputy chairman from 2006, RP Ventures AB, as Chairman from 2010, Industricentralen AB, as Chairman from 2020, NEQST 2020 AB, as Chairman, Alba Holding AB, as Chairman, Gamla Livförsäkrings AB SEB Trygg Liv, as Director, Braganza AB, as Director, Inmet Sweden Holdings AB, as Director, Arvid Nordquist HAB, as Director, SBF Management AB, as Director, Öhman Bank SA, as Director, Tryggstiftelsen, as Director, K Hartwell Invest Oy, as Director, and E.
Öhman J:or Fonder AB (Sweden), as Director.
Mr. Fröling also formerly worked at Pareto Öhman AB, as Chairman, Morgan Grenfell & Co. Ltd., as Assistant Director-Corporate Finance in 1989, SalusAnsvar AB, as Director from 2005 to 2007, Braganza AS, as Director, and Brummer & Partners AB, as Managing Director & Partner in 1998.
Mr. Fröling received his graduate degree from the University of Stockholm.

Björn Dellgren is currently the Director at CliniGenetics SA and the Head of Business Development at Aqilion AB.
He previously worked as the Chief Executive Officer & Project Leader at Adenovir Pharma AB, Director-Business Development at Pharmacia AB, Partner at BI Technology A and Bankinvest Biomedical Venture, and Principal at Lederle Laboratories.

Mr. Bjørn Kjos is a Chairman at Observatoriet Invest AS.
He is on the Board of Directors at Norse Atlantic ASA, Norwegian Block Exchange AS and HBK Invest AS.
Mr. Kjos was previously employed as a Non-Executive Director by Spenn Technology A/S, a Co-Founder by Bank Norwegian ASA, a Chief Executive Officer by Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA, and a Chairman by HBK Holding AS.
He received his graduate degree from the University of Oslo.

Björn Cochlovius is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Eleva GmbH and the Chief Executive Officer at Medraxa Therapeutics GmbH.
He is also the President at Biocure Technology, Inc. and the General Manager at BC Biomed Consulting GmbH.
In addition, Dr. Cochlovius is an Associate Professor at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg.
Previously, he served as the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Ciliatech Therapeutics AG and the Executive Chairman at Isogenica Ltd.
He was also the Chairman at Karolinska Development AB and Sapreme Technologies BV from 2020 to 2024.
Dr. Cochlovius held positions at Roche Holding AG, AbbVie, Inc., Affitech AS, and Affitech A.
He started his career as a Senior Vice President-Business Development at Atriva Therapeutics GmbH.
Dr. Cochlovius obtained his doctorate degree from Universität des Saarlandes.

Björn Grufman was the founder of Grangex AB (1988) and Metallvärden i Sverige AB (1988), where he held the title of Chief Executive Officer & Director.
Mr. Grufman is also the founder of M.V.
Metallvärden AB.
Currently, Mr. Grufman is the Chief Executive Officer of Metallfastigheter i Lesjöfors AB (since 2009) and Mr. Grufman AB (since 2009).
He is also the Chairman of Falu Bildemontering & Skrothandel AB (since 2011) and Falu Skrot & Metallhandel AB (since 2010).
Additionally, Mr. Grufman serves as a Director for Z-Skrot AB, Mittretur AB, Sala Bly AB, Eurovironment AB, Konsult Institutet AB, Varpstaden I Sala AB, Stripa Mine Service AB, Svensk Kabel- och Metallgranulering AB, Metallklipp i Lesjöfors AB, and the Bureau of International Recycling (Treasurer since 2015).
Previously, Mr. Grufman was the Chief Executive Officer of Tricorona AB (2003-2006) and served as a Director for Å I Återvinningsindustrins Service AB.
Mr. Grufman graduated from the Stockholm School of Economics.

Bjørn Eldar Petersen is currently the Chief Executive Officer at EFD AS.
He previously worked as a Director at Tekna Plasma Systems, Inc. and as a Director-Aftermarket Division at Kongsberg Automotive ASA.

Björn Schneider is currently working as the Head of Accounting, Insurance & Risk Management at Lincare Holdings, Inc. since 2012.
He is also working as the Vice President of Internal Audit at Linde Plc.
In the past, he worked as the Director of Supervisory Board at Linde Finance BV, Head of Group Accounting & Reporting at Linde GmbH, and Vice President of Internal Audit at Linde Plc.
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- Bjorn Annwall