Bedrijfsvoering SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust




commerciele vastgoed

Beurs gesloten - Toronto S.E. 22:00:00 07-02-2025 Variatie 5 dagen Verschil t.o.v. 1 jan (%)
24,87 CAD 0,00% Intraday-grafiek van SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust +1,26% +1,68%

Uitvoerend comité: SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust

Beklede functiesVan
Mitchell Goldhar

Mitchell Goldhar

63 jaar

Chief Executive Officer 06-09-2021
Founder 01-01-1989
Peter Slan

Peter Slan

Director of Finance/CFO 24-10-2022
Marianne O'Leary

Marianne O'Leary

Chief Operating Officer 01-04-2017
Jeff Winick

Jeff Winick

General Counsel 01-08-2019
Fernando Vescio

Fernando Vescio

Human Resources Officer 01-06-2015
Rudy Gobin

Rudy Gobin

63 jaar

Chief Investment Officer 01-06-2015
Dan Markou

Dan Markou

Human Resources Officer 11-09-2023

Samenstelling van de raad van bestuur: SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust

Mitchell Goldhar

Mitchell Goldhar

63 jaar

Chairman 14-02-2018
Michael Young

Michael Young

80 jaar

Compensation Committee 11-11-2003
Governance Committee 11-11-2003
Audit Committee
Compensation Committee Chair
Governance Committee Chair
Janet Bannister

Janet Bannister

54 jaar

Audit Committee 15-06-2021
Compensation Committee
Governance Committee
Jamie McVicar

Jamie McVicar

67 jaar

Audit Committee 01-01-2004
Compensation Committee
Governance Committee
Gregory Howard

Gregory Howard

69 jaar

Compensation Committee 02-07-2015
Governance Committee 02-07-2015
Sharm Powell

Sharm Powell

60 jaar

Compensation Committee Chair 01-04-2022
Governance Committee Chair 01-04-2022
Sylvie Lachance

Sylvie Lachance

65 jaar

Audit Committee 15-06-2021
Garry Foster

Garry Foster

73 jaar

Audit Committee Chair 01-05-2013

Voormalige zaakvoerders en bestuurders: SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust

Beklede functies
Bhupesh Ghulati
Bhupesh Ghulati
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-05-2011 01-01-2023
Joan Mann
Joan Mann
Sales & Marketing - 01-01-2023
Peter E. Sweeney
Peter E. Sweeney
Director of Finance/CFO 21-10-2014 24-10-2022
Investor Relations Contact 21-10-2014 24-10-2022
Christine Cote
Christine Cote
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-07-2018 01-01-2022
Peter Charles Forde
Peter Charles Forde
Director/Board Member 01-01-2019 06-09-2021
Chief Executive Officer 01-07-2018 06-09-2021
Chief Operating Officer 28-05-2015 01-07-2018
President 01-08-2016 06-09-2021
Adriana Fritsch
Adriana Fritsch
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-12-2019 01-09-2021
Kevin B. Pshebniski
Kevin B. Pshebniski
Director/Board Member 04-12-2001 15-06-2021
Independent Dir/Board Member 04-12-2001 15-06-2021
Sandra Kaiser
Sandra Kaiser
Public Communications Contact - 02-01-2021
Michael Simone
Michael Simone
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-11-2016 01-07-2019
Huw Thomas
Huw Thomas
Director/Board Member 20-06-2012 01-05-2019
Chief Executive Officer 01-04-2011 01-06-2018
Independent Dir/Board Member 01-04-2011 25-04-2013
Public Communications Contact 01-04-2011 01-02-2018
President 01-04-2011 21-07-2016
Karl Ditoro
Karl Ditoro
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-07-2017 01-03-2019
Aaron Clodd
Aaron Clodd
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-05-2015 01-07-2018
Daniel Asselin
Daniel Asselin
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-11-2016 -
Kim Loftus
Kim Loftus
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-10-2015 -
Mauro Pambianchi
Mauro Pambianchi
Corporate Officer/Principal 28-06-2015 -
Michael Gilman
Michael Gilman
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-06-2015 -
Bart Munn
Bart Munn
Director of Finance/CFO 01-12-2005 01-04-2013
Investor Relations Contact 19-06-2012 01-04-2013
Public Communications Contact 19-06-2012 01-04-2013
Aladin Mawani
Aladin Mawani
Director/Board Member 14-03-2005 21-03-2013
Chief Executive Officer 14-06-2011 21-03-2013
Independent Dir/Board Member 14-03-2005 14-06-2011
Public Communications Contact 20-06-2012 21-03-2013
President 14-06-2011 21-03-2013
Adam Mendes
Adam Mendes
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01-01-2009 01-03-2013
Jill Denham
Jill Denham
Director/Board Member 01-04-2011 10-05-2012
Independent Dir/Board Member 01-04-2011 10-05-2012
Rosina Bonofiglio Marchione
Rosina Bonofiglio Marchione
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-06-2008 01-09-2011
Simon Nyilassy
Simon Nyilassy
Chief Administrative Officer 01-01-2000 01-01-2005
Director/Board Member 18-11-2010 12-08-2011
Chief Executive Officer 01-01-2005 14-06-2011
Public Communications Contact 18-11-2010 12-08-2011
President 01-01-2005 14-06-2011
James Michael Storey
James Michael Storey
Director/Board Member 04-12-2001 01-04-2011
David Calnan
David Calnan
Director/Board Member 18-11-2010 01-04-2011
Corporate Secretary 04-12-2001 01-04-2011
Marc Charlebois
Marc Charlebois
Chief Operating Officer - 01-10-2008
Mario Calabrese
Mario Calabrese
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01-01-2007 -
Director of Finance/CFO 01-01-2007 21-10-2014
Investor Relations Contact 01-01-2007 -
Steve Liew
Steve Liew
Public Communications Contact 18-11-2010 19-06-2012
Corporate Officer/Principal 18-11-2010 -
Mark A. Suchan
Mark A. Suchan
Director of Finance/CFO 01-01-2002 01-01-2005
Thomas Bazinet
Thomas Bazinet
Corporate Officer/Principal 18-11-2010 -
David B. Carpenter
David B. Carpenter
Director/Board Member - -
Kalei Huang
Kalei Huang
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Robert M. Piccinini
Robert M. Piccinini
Corporate Officer/Principal 18-11-2010 -
Marc Halbach
Marc Halbach
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ken Delf
Ken Delf
Director/Board Member - -
Keith N. McRae
Keith N. McRae
Chief Operating Officer - -
Jason Gorel
Jason Gorel
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Paolo Schiavoni
Paolo Schiavoni
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Daniel Kumer
Daniel Kumer
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
John Darlow
John Darlow
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Michael MacNeil
Michael MacNeil
Director/Board Member - -
Laerta Carcani
Laerta Carcani
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kevin Halmos
Kevin Halmos
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Leeftijdsdistributie van bedrijfsleiders

Ratio vrouwen/mannen

Man 14
Vrouw 5

Waarvan leden van het uitvoerend comité

Man 6
Vrouw 1

Waarvan bestuurders

Man 6
Vrouw 2


Herziening omzet 1 jaar
Herziening omzet 4 maanden
Herziening omzet 1 maanden
Herziening WPA 1 jaar
Herziening WPA 4 maanden


ESG: ethische controverses
ESG: controverses inzake mensenrechten
ESG: controverses belastingsubsidies
In overeenstemming met islamitisch financieren
Logo SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust
SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust (de Trust) is een in Canada gevestigde, volledig geïntegreerde vastgoedbeleggingsmaatschappij. De Trust ontwikkelt, verhuurt, bouwt, bezit en beheert winkelcentra, kantoorgebouwen, hoog- en laagbouwappartementen en huurwoningen, seniorenwoningen, townhomes, self-storage verhuurfaciliteiten en industriële faciliteiten in Canada. De Trust richt zich op de ontwikkeling, het eigendom, het beheer en de exploitatie van vastgoedbeleggingen in Canada. De portefeuille van de Trust bestaat uit ongeveer 195 strategisch gelegen eigendommen in gemeenschappen in het hele land. Tot de dochterondernemingen van de Trust behoren Smart Limited Partnership, Smart Limited Partnership II, Smart Limited Partnership III, Smart Limited Partnership IV, Smart Oshawa South Limited Partnership, Smart Oshawa Taunton Limited Partnership, Smart Boxgrove Limited Partnership, ONR Limited Partnership, ONR Limited Partnership I en SmartVMC West Limited Partnership.
Meer informatie over het bedrijf

Sleutelfiguren die het bedrijf verlieten

Simon Nyilassy
Simon Nyilassy

Chief Executive Officer

01-01-2005 14-06-2011

Aladin Mawani
Aladin Mawani

Chief Executive Officer

14-06-2011 21-03-2013

Huw Thomas
Huw Thomas

Chief Executive Officer

01-04-2011 01-06-2018

Peter Charles Forde
Peter Charles Forde

Chief Executive Officer

01-07-2018 06-09-2021