Bedrijfsvoering Chevron Corporation




Geïntegreerde olie & gas

Beurs gesloten - Nyse 22:00:27 06-02-2025 Variatie 5 dagen Verschil t.o.v. 1 jan (%)
151,90 USD -0,71% Intraday-grafiek van Chevron Corporation -2,83% +4,87%

Uitvoerend comité: Chevron Corporation

Beklede functiesVan
Michael Wirth

Michael Wirth

64 jaar

Chief Executive Officer 01-02-2018
Paul Antebi

Paul Antebi

53 jaar

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01-02-2021
Eimear Bonner

Eimear Bonner

51 jaar

Director of Finance/CFO 01-03-2024
Alana Knowles

Alana Knowles

60 jaar

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01-03-2023
Brant Fish

Brant Fish

62 jaar

President -
David Inchausti

David Inchausti

61 jaar

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 16-06-2019
R. Pate

R. Pate

61 jaar

General Counsel 03-08-2009
Mary A. Francis

Mary A. Francis

60 jaar

General Counsel 01-01-2015
Corporate Secretary 01-01-2015
Navin Mahajan

Navin Mahajan

59 jaar

Treasurer 01-02-2019

Samenstelling van de raad van bestuur: Chevron Corporation

Michael Wirth

Michael Wirth

64 jaar

Chairman 01-02-2018
Debra Reed-Klages

Debra Reed-Klages

68 jaar

Executive Committee Chair
Governance Committee Chair
Nominating Committee Chair
Audit Committee Chair
Compensation Committee 01-11-2019
Governance Committee
Nominating Committee
Marillyn Hewson

Marillyn Hewson

71 jaar

Compensation Committee 01-01-2007
HR Committee 01-01-2007
Governance Committee 01-01-2007
Audit Committee 01-01-2021
Finance Committee 25-04-2024
Compensation Committee Chair 28-04-2022
Wanda Austin

Wanda Austin

70 jaar

Compensation Committee 24-10-2017
Governance Committee Chair 01-12-2016
Nominating Committee Chair 01-12-2016
Audit Committee
Finance Committee
Charles Moorman

Charles Moorman

73 jaar

Governance Committee 01-05-2012
Nominating Committee 01-05-2012
Compensation Committee Chair 01-05-2012
Compensation Committee 09-05-2018
Cynthia Warner

Cynthia Warner

66 jaar

Executive Committee 19-06-2019
Governance Committee 20-06-2023
Audit Committee 20-06-2023
Nominating Committee 20-06-2023
Donald Umpleby

Donald Umpleby

67 jaar

Executive Committee 01-03-2012
Governance Committee 01-03-2018
Nominating Committee 01-03-2018
John Frank

John Frank

69 jaar

Executive Committee
Compensation Committee 01-01-2007
Audit Committee 16-02-2022
Enrique Hernandez

Enrique Hernandez

69 jaar

Compensation Committee 10-12-2008
Governance Committee 01-01-2022
Nominating Committee 01-01-2022
Alice Gast

Alice Gast

66 jaar

Governance Committee 01-12-2012
Nominating Committee 01-12-2012
Dambisa Moyo

Dambisa Moyo

56 jaar

Audit Committee 11-10-2016
Jon Huntsman

Jon Huntsman

63 jaar

Compensation Committee 15-09-2020
Mark Nelson

Mark Nelson

61 jaar

Director/Board Member 01-02-2023

Voormalige zaakvoerders en bestuurders: Chevron Corporation

Beklede functies
Ronald Sugar
Ronald Sugar
Director/Board Member 01-04-2005 31-05-2023
Independent Dir/Board Member 01-04-2005 31-05-2023
Jay Pryor
Jay Pryor
Human Resources Officer 01-01-1996 01-01-2006
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-2006 29-07-2022
Pat Yarrington
Pat Yarrington
Director of Finance/CFO 01-01-2009 31-03-2019
Public Communications Contact 01-01-2002 01-01-2007
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-2000 01-01-2002
Treasurer 01-01-2007 01-01-2008
Robert Edwin Denham
Robert Edwin Denham
Director/Board Member 01-01-2004 30-05-2018
Independent Dir/Board Member 01-01-2004 30-05-2018
Linnet F. Deily
Linnet F. Deily
Director/Board Member 24-01-2006 30-05-2018
Independent Dir/Board Member 24-01-2006 30-05-2018
John Watson
John Watson
Director/Board Member 09-04-2009 05-01-2010
Chief Executive Officer 05-01-2010 01-02-2018
Chairman 05-01-2010 01-02-2018
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1980 09-04-2009
Carl W. Ware
Carl W. Ware
Director/Board Member 09-10-2001 25-05-2016
Independent Dir/Board Member 03-08-2011 25-05-2016
George Lawrence Kirkland
George Lawrence Kirkland
Director/Board Member 05-01-2010 27-05-2015
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1974 15-06-2015
Kevin Sharer
Kevin Sharer
Director/Board Member 02-03-2007 27-05-2015
Independent Dir/Board Member 03-08-2011 27-05-2015
Rhonda Zygocki
Rhonda Zygocki
Director/Board Member 04-08-2011 29-02-2012
Public Communications Contact 29-09-2009 23-03-2011
General Counsel 01-01-1980 23-03-2011
Corporate Officer/Principal 23-03-2011 01-02-2015
John W. McDonald
John W. McDonald
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01-04-2008 02-06-2014
Charles R. Shoemate
Charles R. Shoemate
Director/Board Member 25-09-1995 30-05-2012
Independent Dir/Board Member 03-08-2011 30-05-2012
Robert J. Eaton
Robert J. Eaton
Director/Board Member 27-10-2000 30-05-2012
Independent Dir/Board Member 03-08-2011 30-05-2012
John Gass
John Gass
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-2003 01-01-2012
Franklyn G. Jenifer
Franklyn G. Jenifer
Director/Board Member 10-05-1994 25-05-2011
James Blackwell
James Blackwell
Director/Board Member 04-08-2011 29-02-2012
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 03-08-2011 06-03-2012
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-2011 -
J. Bennett Johnston
J. Bennett Johnston
Director/Board Member 01-01-1997 01-01-2011
Samuel A. Nunn
Samuel A. Nunn
Director/Board Member 01-01-1997 01-01-2011
Samuel Armacost
Samuel Armacost
Director/Board Member 01-01-1982 01-01-2011
Mark A. Humphrey
Mark A. Humphrey
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01-01-1976 31-03-2010
David J. O'Reilly
David J. O'Reilly
Chief Executive Officer 30-09-1999 31-12-2009
Chairman 01-01-1998 31-12-2009
Samuel L. Ginn
Samuel L. Ginn
Director/Board Member 01-01-1989 27-05-2009
Stephen J. Crowe
Stephen J. Crowe
Director of Finance/CFO 01-01-1972 01-01-2009
Peter Robertson
Peter Robertson
Director/Board Member 01-01-1973 01-01-2009
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1973 01-01-2009
Donald Paul
Donald Paul
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01-01-1975 01-06-2008
Howard B. Sheppard
Howard B. Sheppard
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-02-1988 01-06-2008
Alan R. Preston
Alan R. Preston
Human Resources Officer 01-01-1973 26-03-2008
William L. Ottaviani
William L. Ottaviani
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1982 01-07-2007
David M. Krattebol
David M. Krattebol
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1971 26-04-2007
Carla A. Hills
Carla A. Hills
Director/Board Member 09-10-2001 26-04-2006
Patricia Woertz
Patricia Woertz
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1998 01-03-2006
Raymond I. Wilcox
Raymond I. Wilcox
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1968 -
Charles Williamson
Charles Williamson
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-08-2005 01-12-2005
Frank A. Shrontz
Frank A. Shrontz
Director/Board Member 09-10-2001 28-04-2004
John A. Young
John A. Young
Director/Board Member 09-10-2001 28-04-2004
Thomas A. Vanderslice
Thomas A. Vanderslice
Director/Board Member 22-04-1980 28-04-2004
Clyde Michael Bandy
Clyde Michael Bandy
President 01-01-2001 01-01-2004
W. Mark Meyer
W. Mark Meyer
Corporate Officer/Principal - 01-04-2003
William Finnerty
William Finnerty
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-2001 01-01-2003
Jarett Carson
Jarett Carson
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1990 31-12-1999
Kenneth T. Derr
Kenneth T. Derr
Chief Executive Officer 01-01-1989 31-12-1999
David B. Latham
David B. Latham
Corporate Officer/Principal - 01-01-1997
Edward A. Johnson
Edward A. Johnson
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1984 31-12-1990
W. Coyle
W. Coyle
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1998 -
William Addy
William Addy
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1982 01-01-1984
Thomas R. Schuttish
Thomas R. Schuttish
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 29-09-2009 -
General Counsel 01-01-1980 29-09-2009
John Hanten
John Hanten
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1978 -
Dong-Soo Heo
Dong-Soo Heo
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1971 01-01-1973
Thomas E. Bush
Thomas E. Bush
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ali Moshiri
Ali Moshiri
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Luke Kreitner
Luke Kreitner
Corporate Officer/Principal - 01-06-2011
Sales & Marketing 01-06-2011 -
Donald A. Gunness
Donald A. Gunness
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David Lee
David Lee
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Craig Campbell
Craig Campbell
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kenneth Cucarola
Kenneth Cucarola
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Robert Spinner
Robert Spinner
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Trevor Mihalik
Trevor Mihalik
Director of Finance/CFO 23-11-2012 -
Corporate Officer/Principal - 23-11-2012
Kenneth R. Chrisman
Kenneth R. Chrisman
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Bob B. Schulz
Bob B. Schulz
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Richard F. Jones
Richard F. Jones
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Rick Cassidy
Rick Cassidy
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David Meldram
David Meldram
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Christian Larsen
Christian Larsen
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
James Martin Owen
James Martin Owen
Director of Finance/CFO - -
John W. LaValle
John W. LaValle
Director of Finance/CFO - 29-12-2011
Corporate Officer/Principal 29-12-2011 -
Bert I. Rowland
Bert I. Rowland
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Shelly J. Meyers
Shelly J. Meyers
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Walt Dunagin
Walt Dunagin
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Gary Graham Pollock
Gary Graham Pollock
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Sam Laidlaw
Sam Laidlaw
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Donald Campbell
Donald Campbell
Public Communications Contact - -
Paul Lew Davies
Paul Lew Davies
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David Anderson
David Anderson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Christopher Prattini
Christopher Prattini
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Leeftijdsdistributie van bedrijfsleiders

Ratio vrouwen/mannen

Man 27
Vrouw 12

Waarvan leden van het uitvoerend comité

Man 6
Vrouw 3

Waarvan bestuurders

Man 10
Vrouw 3


Herziening omzet 1 jaar
Herziening omzet 4 maanden
Herziening omzet 1 maanden
Herziening WPA 1 jaar
Herziening WPA 4 maanden


ESG: ethische controverses
ESG: controverses inzake mensenrechten
ESG: controverses belastingsubsidies
In overeenstemming met islamitisch financieren
Logo Chevron Corporation
Chevron Corporation is wereldwijd één van de grootste aardolie- en gasconcerns. De omzet per activiteit is als volgt onderverdeeld: - raffinage en distributie (74%): bezit, eind 2023, van 8 raffinaderijen (verkoop van 2,7 miljoen vaten producten per dag) en een wereldwijd netwerk van 13.900 servicestations van de merken Chevron, Texaco en Caltex. Het concern houdt zich verder bezig met het transport van aardolie en -gas en productie van petrochemische en plastic producten; - winning en productie van aardolie en aardgas (26%): 1,2 miljoen vaten ruwe aardolie, 0,3 miljoen vaten vloeibaar gemaakte aardgas en 202,2 miljoen m3 aardgas werden in 2023 per dag geproduceerd. 65,9% van de omzet wordt in het buitenland gerealiseerd.
Meer informatie over het bedrijf

Sleutelfiguren die het bedrijf verlieten

George M. Keller
George M. Keller

Chief Executive Officer

01-01-1951 31-12-1988

Kenneth T. Derr
Kenneth T. Derr

Chief Executive Officer

01-01-1989 31-12-1999

David Charles Codd
David Charles Codd


01-02-2005 01-02-2005

David J. O'Reilly
David J. O'Reilly

Chief Executive Officer

30-09-1999 31-12-2009

John Watson
John Watson

Chief Executive Officer

05-01-2010 01-02-2018