Henri Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne

Henri Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne

Algemeen Directeur bij PARROT

Vermogen: 98 M $ op 31-12-2024

63 jaar
Technology Services
Electronic Technology
Consumer Non-Durables


Henri Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne is the founder.
He founded Bellonie et Bourdillon Successeurs SAS in 1985, Parrot SA in 1994, BUF Cie SAS in 1986, and Christian Louboutin SAS in 1991.
Mr. Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne is also the founder of Parrot ANZ Pty Ltd., Faurecia Clarion Electronics Europe SAS.
Mr. Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne's current job(s) include being the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Varioptic SA, Chairman of Parrot Asia Pacific Ltd., Chairman of Parrot UK Ltd., Chairman of Parrot DRONES SASU, Chairman of Parrot Shmates SAS, Director of Trimaran SA, Director of H2i Guirled SA, Director of Seymechamlou Srl, Director of StrapMedia, Director of Edistions Darré SARL, Director of Schlumberger NV (Netherlands), Director & Vice President of Pix4D SA, Director of Parrot Automotive Asia Pacific Ltd., Manager of Parrot Gmbh, Manager of Parrot Japan KK, and Manager of Parrot Invest 5 SARL.
Mr. Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne's former job(s) include being the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of BBSP SAS from 1986 to 1990, Chairman of Parrot Italia Srl, Chairman of Parrot Iberia SL, Chairman of Parrot Air Support SAS, Chairman of We+ar TRBL, Chairman of Horizon SAS, Independent Director of SLB from 2009 to 2022, Director of DA FACT SAS, Director of MobiNear SA, Director of Sigfox SA, Director of Sense Fly SA, Director of Airinov SAS, Director of MicaSense, Inc., Director of Planck Aerosystems, Inc., Principal of AR Events SUD SAS from 1978 to 1980, Manager of Chez Parrot SARL, and Manager of Parrot Invest 4 SARL.

Bekende belangen in openbare bedrijven

OndernemingDatumAantal aandelenTotale waardeWaarderingsdatum
31-12-2023 19 155 082 ( 62.39% ) 56 M $ 31-12-2024
11-03-2024 783 118 ( 11.42% ) 42 M $ 31-12-2024

Actieve functies van Henri Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne

PARROT Algemeen Directeur 28-02-1994
Voorzitter -
Parrot Shmates SAS Voorzitter -
Parrot Automotive Asia Pacific Ltd. Directeur/Bestuurslid -
Directeur/Bestuurslid 15-01-2014
Parrot Invest 5 SARL Corporate Officer/Principal -
Algemeen Directeur -
Voorzitter 23-12-2014
Directeur/Bestuurslid -
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Alle actieve functies van Henri Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne

Eerdere bekende functies van Henri Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne

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Ervaring van Henri Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne in detail bekijken

Beklede functies



Beursgenoteerde bedrijven

Bedrijven in privébezit

Ervaring van Henri Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne in detail bekijken


100 +

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Persoonlijk netwerk weergeven

Verwante bedrijven

Beursgenoteerde bedrijven2

Technology Services


Industrial Services

Bedrijven in privébezit38

Technology Services

Retail Trade


Retail Trade

Technology Services

Electronic Technology

Electronic Technology

Parrot Gmbh

Electronic Technology

Parrot UK Ltd.

Parrot Japan KK

Commercial Services

Consumer Non-Durables

Parrot Iberia SL

Consumer Durables



Producer Manufacturing

Technology Services

Technology Services

Industrial Services

Electronic Technology

Technology Services

Electronic Technology

Technology Services

Parrot Shmates SAS

Parrot Air Support SAS

Chez Parrot SARL

Electronic Technology

Parrot Automotive Asia Pacific Ltd.

Consumer Non-Durables

Consumer Services

Technology Services

Technology Services

Parrot Invest 5 SARL

Consumer Non-Durables

Sense Fly SA

Parrot Invest 4 SARL

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  2. Insiders
  3. Henri Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne