David Lundgren
Algemeen Directeur bij QuanTemplate Technologies Ltd.
David Lundgren currently works at QuanTemplate Technologies Ltd., as Chief Executive Officer & Director from 2017 and Quantemplate Technologies, Inc., as Chief Executive Officer & Director.
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QuanTemplate Technologies Ltd.
QuanTemplate Technologies Ltd. Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services QuanTemplate Technologies Ltd. provides business cloud-platform analytics to the wholesale insurance industry. It offers a secure cloud platform for bespoke wholesale insurance and reinsurance information. The company was founded by Marek Nelken and Adrian Rands in 2012 and is headquartered in Gibraltar, Spain. | Algemeen Directeur | 01-08-2017 |
Quantemplate Technologies, Inc.
Quantemplate Technologies, Inc. Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services Quantemplate Technologies, Inc. provides insurance data analytics and automation services. The firm's products include data integration, machine learning and analytics. The company was founded by Adrian Rands and is headquartered in new York, NY. | Algemeen Directeur | - |
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QuanTemplate Technologies Ltd.
QuanTemplate Technologies Ltd. Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services QuanTemplate Technologies Ltd. provides business cloud-platform analytics to the wholesale insurance industry. It offers a secure cloud platform for bespoke wholesale insurance and reinsurance information. The company was founded by Marek Nelken and Adrian Rands in 2012 and is headquartered in Gibraltar, Spain. | Technology Services |
Quantemplate Technologies, Inc.
Quantemplate Technologies, Inc. Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services Quantemplate Technologies, Inc. provides insurance data analytics and automation services. The firm's products include data integration, machine learning and analytics. The company was founded by Adrian Rands and is headquartered in new York, NY. | Technology Services |