Chun Sheng Ho
Oprichter bij ADVANTECH CO., LTD.
Chun Sheng Ho is uitvoerend directeur bij Advantech Co., Ltd. en algemeen directeur bij Xi'an Advantech Software Ltd. Hij is lid van de raad van bestuur van Advantech Co., Ltd. en Shanghai Advantech Intelligent Services Co. Hij zit in de Raad van Bestuur van Advantech Co., Ltd. en Shanghai Advantech Intelligent Services Co., Ltd. Hij behaalde zijn doctoraal aan de Tatung University.
Laatste nieuws over Chun Sheng Ho
Actieve functies van Chun Sheng Ho
Bedrijven | Functie | Begin |
ADVANTECH CO., LTD. | Oprichter | 07-09-1981 |
GIANT MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | 08-07-2021 |
Xi'an Advantech Software Ltd.
Xi'an Advantech Software Ltd. Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services Xi'an Advantech Software Ltd. develops software. The private company is based in Xi'an, China. The Chinese company was founded in 2008. The CEO is Chun Sheng Ho. | Algemeen Directeur | - |
Shanghai Advantech Intelligent Services Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Advantech Intelligent Services Co., Ltd. Information Technology ServicesTechnology Services Part of Advantech Co., Ltd., Shanghai Advantech Intelligent Services Co., Ltd. is a global leader in the intelligent systems industry, specializing in the automation market, embedded computer market, and intelligent service market. The company is based in Shanghai, China. The Chinese company provides a portal for key customers and channel partners to check product stock and real-time prices, aiming to provide efficient services to business partners. The company offers compact IPC designs with front I/O for industrial automation and equipment manufacturing applications, such as machine vision and AOI. Additionally, they offer the AMiS medical cart series, which aims to optimize patient care processes and provide mobile instant nursing services. These nursing carts cover remote medical, mobile medical, and smart medication solutions, all certified by EN60601-1, UL60601-1, and IEC60601-1. The company is committed to becoming the most influential global enterprise in the field of intelligent cities and the Internet of Things. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | - |
AdvanTech Co., Ltd.(United States)
AdvanTech Co., Ltd.(United States) Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services AdvanTech Co., Ltd. is a leading brand in IoT intelligent systems, Industry 4.0, machine automation, embedding computing, embedded systems, transportation, environment monitoring, power automation, retail, logistics, fleet management, healthcare IT, medical solutions, servers, industrial and network computing, video broadcasting, IP Video, 4K/8K, and customization services. The private company was founded in 1983 by K.C. Liu, Chun Sheng Ho and is based in Danvers, MA. AdvanTech develops IoT hardware and software solutions with edge computing intelligence and WISE-PaaS core software to assist business partners and clients in connecting their industrial systems. The company also works with business partners to co-create business ecosystems that accelerate the goal of industrial intelligence. | Oprichter | 01-01-1983 |
Eerdere bekende functies van Chun Sheng Ho
Bedrijven | Functie | Einde |
TATUNG CO., LTD. | President | 13-12-2021 |
Opleiding van Chun Sheng Ho
Tatung University | Undergraduate Degree |
Beklede functies
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven
Bedrijven in privébezit
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Bedrijven verbonden in de eerste graad
Verwante bedrijven
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven | 3 |
ADVANTECH CO., LTD. | Electronic Technology |
TATUNG CO., LTD. | Consumer Durables |
GIANT MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. | Consumer Durables |
Bedrijven in privébezit | 3 |
Xi'an Advantech Software Ltd.
Xi'an Advantech Software Ltd. Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services Xi'an Advantech Software Ltd. develops software. The private company is based in Xi'an, China. The Chinese company was founded in 2008. The CEO is Chun Sheng Ho. | Technology Services |
Shanghai Advantech Intelligent Services Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Advantech Intelligent Services Co., Ltd. Information Technology ServicesTechnology Services Part of Advantech Co., Ltd., Shanghai Advantech Intelligent Services Co., Ltd. is a global leader in the intelligent systems industry, specializing in the automation market, embedded computer market, and intelligent service market. The company is based in Shanghai, China. The Chinese company provides a portal for key customers and channel partners to check product stock and real-time prices, aiming to provide efficient services to business partners. The company offers compact IPC designs with front I/O for industrial automation and equipment manufacturing applications, such as machine vision and AOI. Additionally, they offer the AMiS medical cart series, which aims to optimize patient care processes and provide mobile instant nursing services. These nursing carts cover remote medical, mobile medical, and smart medication solutions, all certified by EN60601-1, UL60601-1, and IEC60601-1. The company is committed to becoming the most influential global enterprise in the field of intelligent cities and the Internet of Things. | Technology Services |
AdvanTech Co., Ltd.(United States)
AdvanTech Co., Ltd.(United States) Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services AdvanTech Co., Ltd. is a leading brand in IoT intelligent systems, Industry 4.0, machine automation, embedding computing, embedded systems, transportation, environment monitoring, power automation, retail, logistics, fleet management, healthcare IT, medical solutions, servers, industrial and network computing, video broadcasting, IP Video, 4K/8K, and customization services. The private company was founded in 1983 by K.C. Liu, Chun Sheng Ho and is based in Danvers, MA. AdvanTech develops IoT hardware and software solutions with edge computing intelligence and WISE-PaaS core software to assist business partners and clients in connecting their industrial systems. The company also works with business partners to co-create business ecosystems that accelerate the goal of industrial intelligence. | Commercial Services |